emotional prosody%affective word%prosody/word interference paradigm%delayed matching task%event-related potential (ERP)
采用韵律/词汇干扰范式和延迟匹配任务,通过两个 ERP实验,考察了汉语口语中情绪韵律能否、以及如何调节情绪词的识别.实验一中,不同类型的情绪韵律分组呈现, ERP结果显示,同与情绪韵律效价一致的情绪词相比,与情绪韵律效价不一致的情绪词诱发了走向更负的 P200、N300和 N400成分;实验二中,不同类型的情绪韵律随机呈现,上述效价一致性效应依然存在.实验结果表明,情绪韵律能够调节情绪词识别,主要表现在对情绪词的音韵编码和语义加工的双重易化上.
採用韻律/詞彙榦擾範式和延遲匹配任務,通過兩箇 ERP實驗,攷察瞭漢語口語中情緒韻律能否、以及如何調節情緒詞的識彆.實驗一中,不同類型的情緒韻律分組呈現, ERP結果顯示,同與情緒韻律效價一緻的情緒詞相比,與情緒韻律效價不一緻的情緒詞誘髮瞭走嚮更負的 P200、N300和 N400成分;實驗二中,不同類型的情緒韻律隨機呈現,上述效價一緻性效應依然存在.實驗結果錶明,情緒韻律能夠調節情緒詞識彆,主要錶現在對情緒詞的音韻編碼和語義加工的雙重易化上.
채용운률/사회간우범식화연지필배임무,통과량개 ERP실험,고찰료한어구어중정서운률능부、이급여하조절정서사적식별.실험일중,불동류형적정서운률분조정현, ERP결과현시,동여정서운률효개일치적정서사상비,여정서운률효개불일치적정서사유발료주향경부적 P200、N300화 N400성분;실험이중,불동류형적정서운률수궤정현,상술효개일치성효응의연존재.실험결과표명,정서운률능구조절정서사식별,주요표현재대정서사적음운편마화어의가공적쌍중역화상.
@@@@An important difference between spoken language and written language is that spoken language carries prosodic information. Previous studies investigated how speech prosody modulated syntactic processing and discourse comprehension, but few studies examined the roles of emotional prosody in speech processing. This study investigated the time course of the processing of emotional spoken speech of Mandarin, and explored that how emotional prosody modulated the processing of spoken word using the technique of event-related potential and prosody/word interference paradigm. @@@@Thirty-two college students participated in this study, sixteen of them for the first experiment, and the rest for the second one. We used positive and negative words spoken with affectively congruent or incongruent prosody as study materials. Participants completed a delayed matching task. They were asked to judge that whether the spoken word matched the subsequent presented visual word. We recorded the EEG evoked by emotional spoken words. The emotional prosody was blocked presented (Experiment 1) or mixed presented (Experiment 2). @@@@The ERP results were analyzed by four-way repeated-measure ANOVA. The ERP results of Experiment 1 indicated that at the time window of 150~250ms after the onset of spoken word, the congruent affective word evoked a more positive P2 than incongruent affective word under both conditions of happy and sad prosody, and the scalp distribution of the P2 effect was broad. At the time window of 250~550ms, the incongruent affective word evoked more negative N300 (early N400) and N400 than congruent affective word. The N300 effect spread widely and the scalp distribution of N400 effect was modulated by the emotional prosody. The N400 effect of happy prosody distributed over the whole scalp while that of sad prosody mainly distributed at the parietal-occipital area. Experiment 2 showed similar results. The incongruent affective word evoked P2 effect, but only at the condition of sad prosody. The incongruent affective word evoked N300 and N400 effect independent of valence of emotional prosody, and both effects were bilaterally distributed over the whole scalp. @@@@These findings suggest that the emotional prosody modulates the processing of affective word at real-time. The emotional prosody can facilitate both of the processing of phonology and the retrieval of semantics. This study emphasizes the effects of facilitation of emotional prosody on the processing of spoken word, which begin at the stage of phonological processing.