Energy Storage Science and Technology
battery energy storage system%wind power and energy storage combined system%tracking wind power schedule output
电池储能系统(battery energy storage system,BESS)在风储联合应用中具有多种功能,利用电池储能系统提高风电并网调度运行能力是当前研究的热点之一.文章基于我国北方某风电场历史运行数据与预测数据,依据预测误差评价指标和风电场预报考核指标的综合评价方法对风电场预测数据进行分析研究,归纳了预测误差的概率分布特征;提出利用电池储能系统提高风电跟踪计划出力能力,统计并量化出电池储能系统用于跟踪计划出力场合的作用范围;通过仿真验证电池储能系统在风储联合系统中提高风电跟踪计划出力控制策略的有效性和可行性.
電池儲能繫統(battery energy storage system,BESS)在風儲聯閤應用中具有多種功能,利用電池儲能繫統提高風電併網調度運行能力是噹前研究的熱點之一.文章基于我國北方某風電場歷史運行數據與預測數據,依據預測誤差評價指標和風電場預報攷覈指標的綜閤評價方法對風電場預測數據進行分析研究,歸納瞭預測誤差的概率分佈特徵;提齣利用電池儲能繫統提高風電跟蹤計劃齣力能力,統計併量化齣電池儲能繫統用于跟蹤計劃齣力場閤的作用範圍;通過倣真驗證電池儲能繫統在風儲聯閤繫統中提高風電跟蹤計劃齣力控製策略的有效性和可行性.
전지저능계통(battery energy storage system,BESS)재풍저연합응용중구유다충공능,이용전지저능계통제고풍전병망조도운행능력시당전연구적열점지일.문장기우아국북방모풍전장역사운행수거여예측수거,의거예측오차평개지표화풍전장예보고핵지표적종합평개방법대풍전장예측수거진행분석연구,귀납료예측오차적개솔분포특정;제출이용전지저능계통제고풍전근종계화출력능력,통계병양화출전지저능계통용우근종계화출력장합적작용범위;통과방진험증전지저능계통재풍저연합계통중제고풍전근종계화출력공제책략적유효성화가행성.
There are variety of applications of battery energy storage system(battery energy storage system, BESS) used in the combined system of wind power and energy storage, and improving grid-connected wind power operation ability under dispatch by using battery energy storage system is currently one of the research focus. Based on forecast and historical operation data of a wind farm in northern China, this article reports an analysis on the wind farm forecast data to obtain the forecast error probability distribution characteristics by using an evaluation method combining the prediction error indicators and wind farm forecast assessment indicators. A battery energy storage system is then proposed to improve the ability to track wind power schedule output, followed by statistical analyses and quantification of the scope of racking schedule output. Finally, simulation verifications are performed of the effectiveness and viability of the control strategy for improving the ability of wind power tracking schedule output.