adaptive memory%survival advantage of memory%survival processing%congruity effects%relevance
对词语进行生存加工能提高记忆成绩,这种记忆的生存优势效应已得到不少研究的验证,且大多数研究表明生存优势是一种独特的编码方式(Nairne & Pandeirada,2011).但是, Butler 等人(2009)的研究结果表明实验中生存加工带来的记忆优势可能是一致性效应(即编码任务与编码的材料之间具有一致性)的作用.本文在2个实验中选用与生存和抢劫加工条件相关程度不同的词(高中低)为实验材料,采用生存加工、抢劫加工、愉悦度和有意学习为实验条件,研究一致性和相关性在记忆生存优势中的作用.结果发现:(1)生存条件下的记忆效果显著优于愉悦度条件和有意学习条件,这说明的确存在记忆的生存优势效应;(2)高生存相关词在生存加工条件下产生了记忆优势,而中、低生存相关词在2种加工条件下记忆成绩差异不显著,这说明加工条件的一致性只在一定程度上影响着记忆的生存优势效应;(3)词语自身的生存相关性没有表现出较强的记忆优势,当然这也可能与实验材料的词频有关.研究结果支持了 Nairne 和 Pandeirada (2011)的观点.
對詞語進行生存加工能提高記憶成績,這種記憶的生存優勢效應已得到不少研究的驗證,且大多數研究錶明生存優勢是一種獨特的編碼方式(Nairne & Pandeirada,2011).但是, Butler 等人(2009)的研究結果錶明實驗中生存加工帶來的記憶優勢可能是一緻性效應(即編碼任務與編碼的材料之間具有一緻性)的作用.本文在2箇實驗中選用與生存和搶劫加工條件相關程度不同的詞(高中低)為實驗材料,採用生存加工、搶劫加工、愉悅度和有意學習為實驗條件,研究一緻性和相關性在記憶生存優勢中的作用.結果髮現:(1)生存條件下的記憶效果顯著優于愉悅度條件和有意學習條件,這說明的確存在記憶的生存優勢效應;(2)高生存相關詞在生存加工條件下產生瞭記憶優勢,而中、低生存相關詞在2種加工條件下記憶成績差異不顯著,這說明加工條件的一緻性隻在一定程度上影響著記憶的生存優勢效應;(3)詞語自身的生存相關性沒有錶現齣較彊的記憶優勢,噹然這也可能與實驗材料的詞頻有關.研究結果支持瞭 Nairne 和 Pandeirada (2011)的觀點.
대사어진행생존가공능제고기억성적,저충기억적생존우세효응이득도불소연구적험증,차대다수연구표명생존우세시일충독특적편마방식(Nairne & Pandeirada,2011).단시, Butler 등인(2009)적연구결과표명실험중생존가공대래적기억우세가능시일치성효응(즉편마임무여편마적재료지간구유일치성)적작용.본문재2개실험중선용여생존화창겁가공조건상관정도불동적사(고중저)위실험재료,채용생존가공、창겁가공、유열도화유의학습위실험조건,연구일치성화상관성재기억생존우세중적작용.결과발현:(1)생존조건하적기억효과현저우우유열도조건화유의학습조건,저설명적학존재기억적생존우세효응;(2)고생존상관사재생존가공조건하산생료기억우세,이중、저생존상관사재2충가공조건하기억성적차이불현저,저설명가공조건적일치성지재일정정도상영향착기억적생존우세효응;(3)사어자신적생존상관성몰유표현출교강적기억우세,당연저야가능여실험재료적사빈유관.연구결과지지료 Nairne 화 Pandeirada (2011)적관점.
@@@@Lots of research found that survival processing led to superior retention of the words relative to other semantic encoding tasks, which was termed survival advantage of memory. Nairne and Pandeirada (2011) claimed that survival processing may be a special and powerful memory encoding procedure; but Butler, Kang,& Roediger (2009) argued that Congruity effects between materials and processing tasks in the survival processing paradigm are critical cause of survival advantage of memory. In the present study, 2 experiments were conducted to investigate: 1) whether congruity will contribute to survival advantage of memory, namely whether people remember items better if those items are congruent with a survival scenario; 2) whether relevance of words to survival was the other cause of survival advantage of memory, namely whether higher relevance of words to survival will result in more superior memory performance. @@@@We preselected 45 words related to survival (15 high-related, 15 mid- related and 15 low-related words to survival scenario) and 24 words related to robbery (8 high-related, 8 mid-related, 8 low-related words to robbery scenario) by asking 80 participants to rate the words according to their relevance to survival scenario or to robbery scenario respectively. In experiment 1, 96 participants were asked to study 45 words in survival processing, pleasantness rating, and intentional memory procedures respectively, the results showed a significant survival advantage exists. In experiment 2a, we manipulated congruence between words and processing condition. 60 participants were asked to study 24 words related to robbery (preselected according to their relevance to robbery scenario) and 24 words related to survival (selected from experiment 1) in survival processing and robbery processing respectively; in experiment 2b, the other 60 participants were asked to study the same words as in experiment 2a under 2 unrelated processing conditions, such as pleasantness rating and intentional memory procedures respectively. @@@@The results of 2 experiments showed that: 1) congruence between words and processing condition enhanced memory performance, but not explained the whole survival advantage of memory; 2) high relevance to survival scenario of words per se did not result in survival advantage of memory, which may be affected by words frequency of study items preselected according to their relevance to survival, it deserves more further investigation. In a word, our results suggest survival advantage of memory is caused by survival processing, namely survival processing may be a special and powerful memory encoding procedure, which is consistent with the explanation of Nairne and Pandeirada (2011).