李毕琴%PARMENTIER Fabrice B. R.%王爱君%胡艳梅%张明
李畢琴%PARMENTIER Fabrice B. R.%王愛君%鬍豔梅%張明
리필금%PARMENTIER Fabrice B. R.%왕애군%호염매%장명
外周视线索%偏差干扰%工作记忆负载%视听 Oddball 范式
外週視線索%偏差榦擾%工作記憶負載%視聽 Oddball 範式
외주시선색%편차간우%공작기억부재%시은 Oddball 범식
periphery visual cue%deviant distraction%working memory load%audio-visual oddball task
采用线索提示和视听 Oddball 结合的实验设计,通过四个实验探讨了外周视线索下视觉工作记忆负载对听觉偏差干扰效应的调控作用.结果表明:(1)操作外周视线索有效性为50%的条件下,视觉工作记忆负载的增加使得原本抑制无关声音的过程失败,因此出现了显著的听觉偏差干扰效应;(2)操作外周视线索有效性为80%的条件下,发现有策略性的注意定向消耗了注意资源,无视觉工作记忆负载的情况下同样出现听觉偏差干扰,并且随着工作记忆负载增加偏差干扰效应增强.研究说明视觉工作记忆负载对听觉偏差干扰的调控是有条件性的,当来自不同感觉通道的无关刺激与目标的加工过程存在重叠时,视觉工作记忆负载的增加使得听觉偏差干扰效应增强而不是减弱.
採用線索提示和視聽 Oddball 結閤的實驗設計,通過四箇實驗探討瞭外週視線索下視覺工作記憶負載對聽覺偏差榦擾效應的調控作用.結果錶明:(1)操作外週視線索有效性為50%的條件下,視覺工作記憶負載的增加使得原本抑製無關聲音的過程失敗,因此齣現瞭顯著的聽覺偏差榦擾效應;(2)操作外週視線索有效性為80%的條件下,髮現有策略性的註意定嚮消耗瞭註意資源,無視覺工作記憶負載的情況下同樣齣現聽覺偏差榦擾,併且隨著工作記憶負載增加偏差榦擾效應增彊.研究說明視覺工作記憶負載對聽覺偏差榦擾的調控是有條件性的,噹來自不同感覺通道的無關刺激與目標的加工過程存在重疊時,視覺工作記憶負載的增加使得聽覺偏差榦擾效應增彊而不是減弱.
채용선색제시화시은 Oddball 결합적실험설계,통과사개실험탐토료외주시선색하시각공작기억부재대은각편차간우효응적조공작용.결과표명:(1)조작외주시선색유효성위50%적조건하,시각공작기억부재적증가사득원본억제무관성음적과정실패,인차출현료현저적은각편차간우효응;(2)조작외주시선색유효성위80%적조건하,발현유책략성적주의정향소모료주의자원,무시각공작기억부재적정황하동양출현은각편차간우,병차수착공작기억부재증가편차간우효응증강.연구설명시각공작기억부재대은각편차간우적조공시유조건성적,당래자불동감각통도적무관자격여목표적가공과정존재중첩시,시각공작기억부재적증가사득은각편차간우효응증강이불시감약.
@@@@The present study addressed the controversy around the effect of a working memory load and cognitive distraction, and more specifically the finding in past work that this load sometimes increases distraction, sometimes reduces it. SanMiguel et al. (2010) found that the effect of unexpected novel sounds on performance in a visual working memory task reduced when the task placed significant demands on executive processing by imposing a memory load approaching capacity limits. This load reduced the involuntary orienting of attention toward the sounds and, in turn, their impact (facilitation or distraction) on behavioral performance. In contrast, Lavie (2005) argues that a working memory load increases distraction because load competes for resources with executive control mechanism that attempt to inhibit prepotent responses towards distractors and help limit distraction. @@@@We argue that there are two important factors that might influence the deviance distraction: whether distractors are inhibited because they provide no relevant information for the task (e.g., when cueing targets with 50% validity), and whether a load depletes resources otherwise needed for this inhibition. We predicted deviance distraction when attentional resources are directed toward the distractors because they are informative and when a load monopolizes resources otherwise used to inhibit uninformative distractors. @@@@In our experiments, participants performed a two-alternative categorization task in which they indicated whether a target stimulus appeared above or below the vertical centre of a computer screen. These targets were preceded by a location cue and, shortly after, a bilateral auditory distractor (standard sound on most trials, deviant sound on the others). Across experiments we manipulated the degree of validity of the location cue (50%or 80%) and whether participants performed the task with a load (1-back task) or without. The location cue was uninformative (50% valid) in Experiments 1 and 2, and informative (80% valid) in Experiments 3 and 4. A load was introduced in Experiments 2 and 4 by use of a 1-back task in which participants responded to the previous trial instead of the current one. @@@@The results from Experiment 1 revealed no deviance distraction but longer response times for valid trials, suggesting the inhibition of the distractors. Remarkably, the introduction of a load in Experiment 2 led to observation of deviance distraction, suggesting that the load used resources no longer available for the executive control mechanisms inhibiting responses towards the distractors. In Experiment 3, where location cues were 80% valid, deviance distraction was observed in the absence of a load. Interestingly, it remained so in the presence of a load (Experiment 4). @@@@Our results demonstrate that with peripheral visual cues can mediate the extent to which auditory distractors are processed. Distraction seems to appear when attentional resources are available to be directed toward deviant sounds.