Journal of Trauma and Emergency (Electronic Version)
Osteoarthritis%Intra-articular injection
膝关节骨性关节炎(knee osteoarthritis,KOA),又称退行性膝关节病、增生性膝关节病、老年性膝关节炎等,常见于中老年人。目前其病因病机尚未明确,其治疗方法以药物疗法、关节腔注射、理疗及手术疗法为主。近年来关节腔内注射治疗 KOA均取得了良好的疗效,新型关节腔注射制剂的研制也取得了很大的突破,特别是中药制剂在治疗 KOA上体现了其独特的优势,具有很大的发展前景。现就近年来西药、中药制剂关节腔注射在治疗KOA方面的临床及实验研究文献进行综述。
膝關節骨性關節炎(knee osteoarthritis,KOA),又稱退行性膝關節病、增生性膝關節病、老年性膝關節炎等,常見于中老年人。目前其病因病機尚未明確,其治療方法以藥物療法、關節腔註射、理療及手術療法為主。近年來關節腔內註射治療 KOA均取得瞭良好的療效,新型關節腔註射製劑的研製也取得瞭很大的突破,特彆是中藥製劑在治療 KOA上體現瞭其獨特的優勢,具有很大的髮展前景。現就近年來西藥、中藥製劑關節腔註射在治療KOA方麵的臨床及實驗研究文獻進行綜述。
슬관절골성관절염(knee osteoarthritis,KOA),우칭퇴행성슬관절병、증생성슬관절병、노년성슬관절염등,상견우중노년인。목전기병인병궤상미명학,기치료방법이약물요법、관절강주사、리료급수술요법위주。근년래관절강내주사치료 KOA균취득료량호적료효,신형관절강주사제제적연제야취득료흔대적돌파,특별시중약제제재치료 KOA상체현료기독특적우세,구유흔대적발전전경。현취근년래서약、중약제제관절강주사재치료KOA방면적림상급실험연구문헌진행종술。
Osteoarthritis of the knee joint,also known as knee osteoarthritis(KOA) is common in the elderly, which is also known as degenerative knee joint disease, hypertrophic disease, senile osteoarthritis of knee joint, and so on. Its etiology is not clear so far. The main treatments of the disease, at present, are drug therapy, injections, physical therapy and surgical therapy of articular cavity. What’s more, intra-articular injection method has achieved good effect in recent years. Meanwhile, great breakthroughs have been made in the research of a new preparation injected into articular cavity, particularly in the field of traditional Chinese medicine preparation, which shows its unique advantages in the treatment of KOA, and has a considerable development prospect. In this article, we are going to make a summary of the literatures of different treatments of KOA which appeared in clinical and experimental studies in these years, such as Western medicine, articular cavity injection of traditional Chinese medicine,etc.