Gele mountain%karst collapse%collapse force%development rule of karst
歌乐山为高位岩溶地带,加之近年来人类工程活动加剧,岩溶地面塌陷发生频繁。中梁山山脉沙坪坝行政区段基本覆盖传统意义上歌乐山地区,文章以此为研究范围,搜集以往调查、勘察资料并加以系统分析,旨在研究、总结歌乐山地区岩溶地面塌陷发育特征。研究结果表明,区内岩溶地面塌陷数量呈现逐年递增的趋势,但季节分布不均匀,其空间上主要分布在岩溶较发育、地下水位变动较大、地层岩性碳酸钙含量较高、土层厚度3~8 m 的地带;塌陷发育过程分为早期、中期、晚期三个阶段,以潜蚀作用为主导因素。
歌樂山為高位巖溶地帶,加之近年來人類工程活動加劇,巖溶地麵塌陷髮生頻繁。中樑山山脈沙坪壩行政區段基本覆蓋傳統意義上歌樂山地區,文章以此為研究範圍,搜集以往調查、勘察資料併加以繫統分析,旨在研究、總結歌樂山地區巖溶地麵塌陷髮育特徵。研究結果錶明,區內巖溶地麵塌陷數量呈現逐年遞增的趨勢,但季節分佈不均勻,其空間上主要分佈在巖溶較髮育、地下水位變動較大、地層巖性碳痠鈣含量較高、土層厚度3~8 m 的地帶;塌陷髮育過程分為早期、中期、晚期三箇階段,以潛蝕作用為主導因素。
가악산위고위암용지대,가지근년래인류공정활동가극,암용지면탑함발생빈번。중량산산맥사평패행정구단기본복개전통의의상가악산지구,문장이차위연구범위,수집이왕조사、감찰자료병가이계통분석,지재연구、총결가악산지구암용지면탑함발육특정。연구결과표명,구내암용지면탑함수량정현축년체증적추세,단계절분포불균균,기공간상주요분포재암용교발육、지하수위변동교대、지층암성탄산개함량교고、토층후도3~8 m 적지대;탑함발육과정분위조기、중기、만기삼개계단,이잠식작용위주도인소。
The trough valley zone of the Gele mountains is largely covered by limestone,with a hill landform and complex geological environment.Influenced by the subtropical monsoon climate,the rainfall of the rainy season (from May to October)in this area reaches 881.40 mm,accounting for 80 percent of the total annual precipitation,resulting in nonuniform distribution of rainfall between the rainy and dry seasons.With the in-creasing human engineering activity in recent years,karst collapse occurs frequently,which have become the main geological disaster in this region.This work collected and analyzed relevant data of previous surveys and related data of existing hydrological boreholes with long-term observations,and made a special investiga-tion of environmental geology and geological disasters on scales of 1∶2 000~1∶10 000.The purpose was to determine the number and distribution of karst collapse and human engineering activity status in this region. The survey area is 60 km2 .The results show that the number of karst collapse has an increasing trend year by year,which are mainly distributed in those places where the karst developed well,the groundwater level changed significantly,more calcium carbonate are present,and the thickness of the loose cover ranges from 3 to 8 meters.It divided the process of collapse development into early stage,middle stage and late stage and analyzed the characteristics of these developmental stages.By analysis of the types and function of collapse forces in the process above,it suggests that the latent erosion is the primary mechanism for the collapse.To sum up,the number of karst collapses increases year by year,which mostly occur in rainy seasons.There is an obvious characteristic pattern of spatial distribution as well as stage-wise development of karst collapse, and the latent erosion is the dominant mechanism.