quantum-classical correspondence%near classical states%three dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator
One can easily understand the transition from special relativity to Newton mechanics under the condition of v/c?1. But it is not so easy to understand the transition from quantum representation to classical representation from the point of view of wave mechanics. We define such a quantum state as near classical state (NCS), in which the mean value of coordinates equals the classical solution on a macroscopic scale. We take the NCS for three-dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator in a spherical coordinate system for example. We take|NCS?=N∑+?N n=N??N lM∑+?lM l=lM??lM cnl|nll?=∑nr l cnr l|2nr+l, l, l?, and choose cnl=1 2?N+1 1 2?lM +1 . The mean values of coordinates are r2= Ecl μω2 ( 1+√1? ω2L2cl E 2cl cos(2ωt) ) and tg?= Eclωlcl [ 1?√1?(ωLcl Ecl )2 ] tg(ωt) in this NCS, which are in agreement with the classical solution on a macroscopic scale, where?N/N ?1,?lM/lM ?1. N and lM are determined by the macroscopic state. N =[ Ecl~ω] , Ecl = 12 μω2(a2+b2), lM =[Lcl/~], and Lcl =μωab. Here μ, Ecl and Lcl respectively denote the mass, the energy and the angular momentum of harmonic oscillator. And the bracket [c] means taking the integer part of the number c, for example [2.78]=2. It is also emphasized that for a definite macro state, there are many NCS corresponding to a macro state;just like the case in statistical physics, many micro dynamical states correspond to a macro thermodynamic state. Thus the transition from quantum representation to classical representation is a coarse-graining process and also an information losing process.