land use%efficiency%design%modern agricultural park%Empirical analysis
现代农业园区是现代农业的一种先进生产模式,土地高效利用是突破园区资源瓶颈,实现发展转型升级,推进农业现代化的有效途径。以土地高效利用为核心的现代农业园区设计是实现园区土地高效利用的基本准则和技术指导体系。该文在分析中国现代农业园区土地利用问题的基础上,从界定现代农业园区土地高效利用的内涵出发,首次系统地提出了以土地高效利用为核心的现代农业园区设计体系,涵盖设计思路、目标、原则、实现目标的方法等。应用这一设计体系对东营国家农业科技示范园区进行规划设计,取得了显著的综合经济效益。按园区土地面积8303 hm2计算,单位土地面积产值由2011年的35168元/hm2增加到2014年的71540元/hm2,增加36372元/hm2,年均增加12124元/hm2;单位土地面积实现效益由5275元/hm2增加到14308元/hm2,增长了1.7倍。以土地高效利用为核心的现代农业园区设计,可为资源约束日益趋紧条件下现代农业园区规划建设提供新的思路和借鉴。
現代農業園區是現代農業的一種先進生產模式,土地高效利用是突破園區資源瓶頸,實現髮展轉型升級,推進農業現代化的有效途徑。以土地高效利用為覈心的現代農業園區設計是實現園區土地高效利用的基本準則和技術指導體繫。該文在分析中國現代農業園區土地利用問題的基礎上,從界定現代農業園區土地高效利用的內涵齣髮,首次繫統地提齣瞭以土地高效利用為覈心的現代農業園區設計體繫,涵蓋設計思路、目標、原則、實現目標的方法等。應用這一設計體繫對東營國傢農業科技示範園區進行規劃設計,取得瞭顯著的綜閤經濟效益。按園區土地麵積8303 hm2計算,單位土地麵積產值由2011年的35168元/hm2增加到2014年的71540元/hm2,增加36372元/hm2,年均增加12124元/hm2;單位土地麵積實現效益由5275元/hm2增加到14308元/hm2,增長瞭1.7倍。以土地高效利用為覈心的現代農業園區設計,可為資源約束日益趨緊條件下現代農業園區規劃建設提供新的思路和藉鑒。
현대농업완구시현대농업적일충선진생산모식,토지고효이용시돌파완구자원병경,실현발전전형승급,추진농업현대화적유효도경。이토지고효이용위핵심적현대농업완구설계시실현완구토지고효이용적기본준칙화기술지도체계。해문재분석중국현대농업완구토지이용문제적기출상,종계정현대농업완구토지고효이용적내함출발,수차계통지제출료이토지고효이용위핵심적현대농업완구설계체계,함개설계사로、목표、원칙、실현목표적방법등。응용저일설계체계대동영국가농업과기시범완구진행규화설계,취득료현저적종합경제효익。안완구토지면적8303 hm2계산,단위토지면적산치유2011년적35168원/hm2증가도2014년적71540원/hm2,증가36372원/hm2,년균증가12124원/hm2;단위토지면적실현효익유5275원/hm2증가도14308원/hm2,증장료1.7배。이토지고효이용위핵심적현대농업완구설계,가위자원약속일익추긴조건하현대농업완구규화건설제공신적사로화차감。
Modern agricultural park is an advanced production model, and high efficient land utilization is regarded as the key to break through the bottleneck of the park resources to realize the transformation and upgrading of the park and as an effective way to promote agricultural modernization. This study proposed a modern agricultural park designing system with the high efficient land utilization as the core, based on the analysis of China’s land use issues on modern agricultural parks, the definition of the concept of the high efficient land use including the alternative of technology for land, maximizing the comprehensive benefits and the optimization of the spatial allocation. The system clears out the general designing idea of the modern agricultural park with the high efficient land use as the core, and points out that its designing goals include longstanding and increasing producing and supplying capability of the food and other agricultural product, promoting the land utilization rate by intensive input of elements of technology and capital, realizing the comprehensive benefits optimization and resource sustainability. The principles should follow the economical intensiveness, co-ordination of supply and demand, emphasis on quality and quantity, combination of use and protection, technological innovation and management, making overall plans and taking all factors into consideration. The approaches to realize the aim included:1)optimizing park land use spatial pattern and mode to increase the productivity of food and other agricultural products; 2) constructing industrial chains scientifically to create advantage and special industry to optimize the comprehensive benefits of the park; 3) exploring land potential to strengthen intensive input to promote land utilization efficiency; 4) establishing supportive mechanism to guarantee the sustainability of the land utilization efficiency. The system combined the ideas of resource economical intensive utilization, sustainability, circular economy, industrial economy, system engineering to build a theoretical of integrated design of “resource-industry-technology” and covered the designing thought, goal, principles and realizing approaches, which was the basic principle and technology instructional system to realize the high land utilization efficiency of the China’s agricultural park. The Dongying Modern Agricultural Park that was designed and constructed based on the system had realized the spatial pattern of “One City Four Parks” and high land utilization efficiency of “One Platform, Six Specialty Industries, and Three Supportive Systems ”. After 3-year construction from 2012-2014, the designing scheme had realized outstanding economic, biological and social benefits. The area of the park was 8303 hm2, with output of the unit land area increasing from 12124 Yuan/hm2 in 2011 to 71540 Yuan/hm2 in 2014 by 36372 Yuan/hm2, with annual average increase of 12124 Yuan/ hm2. The actual benefit increased by 1.7 times from 5275 to 14308 Yuan/hm2. The soil organic matter content increased by 0.2% compared with the period before the construction of the park. The effective utilization coefficient of agricultural irrigation water increased from 0.55 to 0.7 and comprehensive utilization of agricultural waste from 55% to over 85%, and agricultural commercialization rate from 45% to 95% with more employment and income increase of the employees. It showed that the designing system with the high land utilization efficiency as the core promoted in the study can effectively guide the construction of the modern agricultural park and protect the ecological environment at the same time of economical intensiveness of the land use to optimize the comprehensive benefits. However, the system has not yet applied to the other areas besides the Dongying Park and its benefits have not yet been compared with those of others. Besides, the study compares its comprehensive benefits of the Dongying Modern Agricultural Park with regular approaches rather than the energy-based analysis, which should be conducted in future studies.