美国的油污损害赔偿制度主要是通过1990年《油污法》( OPA90)建构的。在墨西哥湾漏油事件中,钻井平台的所有人、承租人和被许可经营、使用的人均有权享有OPA90下油污责任限制的权利。但面对OPA90规定的极其严格的责任限制条件,英国石油公司放弃了7500万美元的赔偿限额。钻井平台的油污损害赔偿具有特殊性,中国应以墨西哥湾油污案为鉴,反思钻井平台油污的无法可依局面。钻井平台不是传统海事法律制度的客体,而是一种独立的法律客体,为满足海洋资源开发和海洋环境保护可持续发展的要求,应构建单独的钻井平台油污损害赔偿机制,赋予钻井平台油污责任限制权利,以“事故制”计算责任限额,规定严格的责任限制条件,实行责任限制丧失条件的举证责任客观化。
美國的油汙損害賠償製度主要是通過1990年《油汙法》( OPA90)建構的。在墨西哥灣漏油事件中,鑽井平檯的所有人、承租人和被許可經營、使用的人均有權享有OPA90下油汙責任限製的權利。但麵對OPA90規定的極其嚴格的責任限製條件,英國石油公司放棄瞭7500萬美元的賠償限額。鑽井平檯的油汙損害賠償具有特殊性,中國應以墨西哥灣油汙案為鑒,反思鑽井平檯油汙的無法可依跼麵。鑽井平檯不是傳統海事法律製度的客體,而是一種獨立的法律客體,為滿足海洋資源開髮和海洋環境保護可持續髮展的要求,應構建單獨的鑽井平檯油汙損害賠償機製,賦予鑽井平檯油汙責任限製權利,以“事故製”計算責任限額,規定嚴格的責任限製條件,實行責任限製喪失條件的舉證責任客觀化。
미국적유오손해배상제도주요시통과1990년《유오법》( OPA90)건구적。재묵서가만루유사건중,찬정평태적소유인、승조인화피허가경영、사용적인균유권향유OPA90하유오책임한제적권리。단면대OPA90규정적겁기엄격적책임한제조건,영국석유공사방기료7500만미원적배상한액。찬정평태적유오손해배상구유특수성,중국응이묵서가만유오안위감,반사찬정평태유오적무법가의국면。찬정평태불시전통해사법률제도적객체,이시일충독립적법률객체,위만족해양자원개발화해양배경보호가지속발전적요구,응구건단독적찬정평태유오손해배상궤제,부여찬정평태유오책임한제권리,이“사고제”계산책임한액,규정엄격적책임한제조건,실행책임한제상실조건적거증책임객관화。
The institution of the compensation for oil pol ution damage of U. S. is mainly constructed by the Oil Pol ution Act of 1990 (OPA90). In the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, the owners, lessees and licensees are al entitled to the limitation of liability for oil pol ution under OPA90. However, faced with the strict conditions of liability limitation under OPA90 , British Petroleum Company final y gave up the limitation of $ 75 mil ion. The offshore platform is not the traditional object of maritime law regimes, but a separate legal object. The compensation for the oil pol ution damage by offshore dril ing platform has its particularity. China should reflect on its lack of applicable law on the oil pol ution of offshore dril ing platform, establish a separate legal system for the oil pol ution damage by offshore dril ing platforms, give dril ing platform the right of limitation of liability, calculate the limitation of liability on the “accident” basis, establish strict conditions for the limitation of liability, and objectify the burden of proof in the losing of limitation.