h 指数%hd指数%期刊评价%网络传播力%下载次数
h 指數%hd指數%期刊評價%網絡傳播力%下載次數
h 지수%hd지수%기간평개%망락전파력%하재차수
h-index%hd-index%journal evaluation%network transmission power%download frequency
以CNKI 为数据源,选取综合性社科类期刊为研究对象,实证对比分析了基于下载量的期刊h 指数( hd指数)与基于引文量的h 指数( hc指数)的分布特征及评价效果。结果显示:hd指数与 hc指数具有较好的一致性,与期刊大部分的评价指标间都存在相关性;hd指数与 hc指数都体现了最省力法则,评价结果价值取向相同、可比性强、具有一定的稳健性;hd指数在区分度、时效性、考察范围、稳健性等方面明显优于 hc指数,而在严谨性方面 hd指数则略逊于 hc指数。
以CNKI 為數據源,選取綜閤性社科類期刊為研究對象,實證對比分析瞭基于下載量的期刊h 指數( hd指數)與基于引文量的h 指數( hc指數)的分佈特徵及評價效果。結果顯示:hd指數與 hc指數具有較好的一緻性,與期刊大部分的評價指標間都存在相關性;hd指數與 hc指數都體現瞭最省力法則,評價結果價值取嚮相同、可比性彊、具有一定的穩健性;hd指數在區分度、時效性、攷察範圍、穩健性等方麵明顯優于 hc指數,而在嚴謹性方麵 hd指數則略遜于 hc指數。
이CNKI 위수거원,선취종합성사과류기간위연구대상,실증대비분석료기우하재량적기간h 지수( hd지수)여기우인문량적h 지수( hc지수)적분포특정급평개효과。결과현시:hd지수여 hc지수구유교호적일치성,여기간대부분적평개지표간도존재상관성;hd지수여 hc지수도체현료최성역법칙,평개결과개치취향상동、가비성강、구유일정적은건성;hd지수재구분도、시효성、고찰범위、은건성등방면명현우우 hc지수,이재엄근성방면 hd지수칙략손우 hc지수。
Based on the data pool of CNKI and taken comprehensive social science journals as research object, an empirical comparative a-nalysis was conducted to evaluate the distribution characteristics and evaluating effectiveness of journal hc-index and hd-index, in which hc-index is based on downloads while hd-index on the number of citations. The results showed that hd-index was comparatively in ac-cordance with hc-index in journal evaluation and they were relative with the most evaluating indexes of journals. Both hd-index and hc-index were in accordance with the rule of least-effort principle. Our results also showed that there was almost no difference in the value o-rientation of evaluation results obtained by hd-index or hc-index. Furthermore, the evaluation results obtained by hd-index and hc-index were highly comparative and relatively stable. In addition, hd-index had remarkable advantages of distinction degree, timeliness, survey scope, and stableness, etc. over hc-index but slightly inferior to hc-index in preciseness.