Journal of Changchun University
crockery of Makou Kiln%folk art%decoration%design art
湖北省汉川市的马口窑陶器有着悠久的烧造历史. 与我国其他产区的陶器相比, 马口窑陶器艺术有着浓郁的楚文化特征, 其造型与装饰风格体现了深沉雄浑、 炽热烂漫的艺术特点. 随着历史的变迁, 纹饰由晚清时期的繁缛精致逐渐演变为抽象与简练, 这种变化与本土地域性的社会经济、 政治文化、 民俗风情、 绘画艺术等密切相关, 同时与现代主义设计艺术理论有着隐性而密切的关联. 在设计艺术理论研究中, 对马口窑陶器造型与装饰艺术的探究, 能够有效提高对湖北民间艺术认识的深度, 拓宽对本土传统文化与审美规律的认知.
湖北省漢川市的馬口窯陶器有著悠久的燒造歷史. 與我國其他產區的陶器相比, 馬口窯陶器藝術有著濃鬱的楚文化特徵, 其造型與裝飾風格體現瞭深沉雄渾、 熾熱爛漫的藝術特點. 隨著歷史的變遷, 紋飾由晚清時期的繁縟精緻逐漸縯變為抽象與簡練, 這種變化與本土地域性的社會經濟、 政治文化、 民俗風情、 繪畫藝術等密切相關, 同時與現代主義設計藝術理論有著隱性而密切的關聯. 在設計藝術理論研究中, 對馬口窯陶器造型與裝飾藝術的探究, 能夠有效提高對湖北民間藝術認識的深度, 拓寬對本土傳統文化與審美規律的認知.
호북성한천시적마구요도기유착유구적소조역사. 여아국기타산구적도기상비, 마구요도기예술유착농욱적초문화특정, 기조형여장식풍격체현료심침웅혼、 치열란만적예술특점. 수착역사적변천, 문식유만청시기적번욕정치축점연변위추상여간련, 저충변화여본토지역성적사회경제、 정치문화、 민속풍정、 회화예술등밀절상관, 동시여현대주의설계예술이론유착은성이밀절적관련. 재설계예술이론연구중, 대마구요도기조형여장식예술적탐구, 능구유효제고대호북민간예술인식적심도, 탁관대본토전통문화여심미규률적인지.
The crockery of Makou Kiln in Hanchuan City of Hubei Province has a long history .Compared with the crockery from other districts of our country , the ceramic art of Makou Kiln has dense characteristics of Chu Culture , its form and decorative style reflect the forceful and flaming artistic features .With the transition of history , its ornamentation changes from complicated and delicacy in late Qing Period to simple and abstract, which is closely related to local social economy, political culture, folk custom, and painting art, etc., and it is also related to theory of modern art design .In the study of design art theory , the exploration of the forum and decorative art of the crockery from Makou Kiln can effectively promote the understanding depth on folk art of Hubei Province and expand the rec -ognition of local traditional culture and aesthetic principals .