Facility broad bean%Film-covering time%Sowing time%Planting density%Freeze injury%Fresh pod yield
Using Tongxian No.2 as material, the effects of different film-covering time, different sowing time and different planting density on the occurrence of freeze injury and yield of fresh broad beans were investigated. The randomized block de-sign was adopted. The results showed that with the delayed film covering, the inci-dence of mild freeze injury and number of headless seedlings were increased cor-respondingly, but the yield was increased; with the delayed sowing, the branch number per plant, effective branch number per plant, incidence of mild freeze injury and number of headless seedlings were al reduced, and the broad beans, sowed on September 30th, obtained the highest yield; planting density showed on effect on the occurrence of freeze injury, and the yield was increased with the increase of planting density. Under the same film-covering time, the incidence of freeze injury was reduced with the delayed sowing time and it showed no changes when plant-ing density was changed, but the yield was increased with the increase of planting density and it was highest when broad bean seeds were sowed on September 30th;under the same sowing time, the incidence of freeze injury was increased with the delayed film-covering time and it showed no changes when planting density was changed, and the yield was increased with the delayed film-covering time and in-creased planting density; under the same planting density, the incidence of freeze injury was increased with the delayed film-covering time but was reduced with the delayed sowing time, and the yield was increased with the delayed film-covering time and it was highest when the broad bean seeds were sowed on September 30th. Under same film-covering time and sowing time, the total branch number per plant and effective branch number per plant were reduced, but the yield was in-creased with the increase of planting density; under same film-covering time and planting density, the incidence of freeze injury was reduced with the delayed sowing time, and the yield was highest when broad bean seeds were sowed on September 30th; under same sowing time and planting density, the incidence of freeze injury and the yield were al increased with the delayed film-covering time.