alluvial fans%geomorphology%tectonic%northeast part of the Tibetan Plateau
西北是我国洪积扇发育的典型区域,特别是青藏高原东北缘,由于独特的气候条件,洪积扇保存良好,同时受高原隆起影响,此处构造多样,是研究洪积扇与构造运动关系的天然实验室。基于3S系统在地学应用中的发展,通过遥感图像解译。GIS空间分析等手段,探讨了青藏高原东北部地区典型山脉的洪积扇地貌特征:贺兰山山前洪积扇宽长比、扇顶角大,山麓弯曲明显,扇面坡度陡;罗山山麓平直,扇坡度陡,宽长比小。利用MATLAB、GRA-PHER等统计分析了洪积扇细部特征与构造运动,特别是均衡抬升的响应发现:山前盆地沉降越剧烈,洪积扇扇面积与流域面积之比越小;构造活动年代越老,均衡抬升量越大,扇面宽长比越小,扇体横剖面越平直,洪积扇扇面积与扇高差之比越大,扇面积增长至75 km2,不再受控于流域情况;构造活动年代越新,山麓弯曲度、沟口间距越小,沟口与沟口高地高差越小,扇宽越大;就构造活动强度来说,山体构造抬升越剧烈,扇面坡度越大,扇面积越小。
西北是我國洪積扇髮育的典型區域,特彆是青藏高原東北緣,由于獨特的氣候條件,洪積扇保存良好,同時受高原隆起影響,此處構造多樣,是研究洪積扇與構造運動關繫的天然實驗室。基于3S繫統在地學應用中的髮展,通過遙感圖像解譯。GIS空間分析等手段,探討瞭青藏高原東北部地區典型山脈的洪積扇地貌特徵:賀蘭山山前洪積扇寬長比、扇頂角大,山麓彎麯明顯,扇麵坡度陡;囉山山麓平直,扇坡度陡,寬長比小。利用MATLAB、GRA-PHER等統計分析瞭洪積扇細部特徵與構造運動,特彆是均衡抬升的響應髮現:山前盆地沉降越劇烈,洪積扇扇麵積與流域麵積之比越小;構造活動年代越老,均衡抬升量越大,扇麵寬長比越小,扇體橫剖麵越平直,洪積扇扇麵積與扇高差之比越大,扇麵積增長至75 km2,不再受控于流域情況;構造活動年代越新,山麓彎麯度、溝口間距越小,溝口與溝口高地高差越小,扇寬越大;就構造活動彊度來說,山體構造抬升越劇烈,扇麵坡度越大,扇麵積越小。
서북시아국홍적선발육적전형구역,특별시청장고원동북연,유우독특적기후조건,홍적선보존량호,동시수고원륭기영향,차처구조다양,시연구홍적선여구조운동관계적천연실험실。기우3S계통재지학응용중적발전,통과요감도상해역。GIS공간분석등수단,탐토료청장고원동북부지구전형산맥적홍적선지모특정:하란산산전홍적선관장비、선정각대,산록만곡명현,선면파도두;라산산록평직,선파도두,관장비소。이용MATLAB、GRA-PHER등통계분석료홍적선세부특정여구조운동,특별시균형태승적향응발현:산전분지침강월극렬,홍적선선면적여류역면적지비월소;구조활동년대월로,균형태승량월대,선면관장비월소,선체횡부면월평직,홍적선선면적여선고차지비월대,선면적증장지75 km2,불재수공우류역정황;구조활동년대월신,산록만곡도、구구간거월소,구구여구구고지고차월소,선관월대;취구조활동강도래설,산체구조태승월극렬,선면파도월대,선면적월소。
In recent years,more and more technology was applied to the study of geomorphology. Because of its progressiveness and effectiveness,GIS has become an important part of the alluvial fan research. In this paper,the geomorphological features of the alluvial fans in northeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau have been analyzed with re-mote sensing image interpretation,GIS spatial analysis. et al. Based on the tectonics and geomorphological fea-tures,we found that in Cenozoic era,the Helan Mountain underwent a strong tectonic activity in Eocene,the mountain uplifted and the Yinchuan Basin sank simultaneously. The closer to the fault,the more obviously the mountain uplifted. As a consequence,there was differential tectonic uplifting between the east and the west pedi-ments of Helan Mountain:the uplifting in western part was weaker than the eastern one. Alluvial fans at Helan Mountain often have larger size,bigger width to length ratio,and the fan angle is bigger than others,also,the fan slopes are steeper,and the feet of the mountain are more bending. When it comes to Luoshan Mountain,the re-search shows that in the Quaternary,Luoshan Mountain,where there is no basin in front of,uplifted intensively, alluvial fans at Luoshan Mountain have steep slopes and small width to length ratio. The feet of the mountain are straighter relatively. Research on alluvial fans at basins reveals how alluvial fans are affected by faulted basins, with matlab,grapher and other statistical analysis methods,it is found that the more the Piedmont Basin sinks,the bigger the radio of catchment area to the fan area is,At the same time,the later uplift is,the straighter the foot of the mountain results. In the meantime,the spacing of the ravine and the width of the fan is shorter than others. The geomorphologic features of the alluvial fan are influenced by both the tectonic uplifting and the isostatic uplif-ting of the mountain:the more intense tectonic activity is,the steeper the slope of the fan is,the smaller the fan ar-ea exhibits. As the isostatic uplifting increase with time,the fan cross-section bends more obviously,and the fan has a larger the width to length radio. while the amount of isostatic uplifting grows to a certain extent,the height difference will be stable,the area of the fan increases seldom by the increased catchment areas. Only the length and width are the key factors. With the fan area increasing,a new alluvial fan forms in the direction away from the mountain.