forensic pathology%w ounds and injuries%muscle%cytochrome coxidase subunitⅥc%rats
目的:探讨肌肉挫伤后组织中细胞色素c氧化酶亚基Ⅵc(cytochrome c oxidase subunit Ⅵc,COX6C) mRNA的表达变化及其与损伤时间的关系。方法54只健康成年SD大鼠随机被分为正常对照组和损伤后0.5、1、6、12、18、24、30和36 h组,采用重力锤自由落体方式制作大鼠肌肉挫伤模型。于相应时间提取挫伤处肌肉组织样本进行常规组织学观察,并提取组织中总RNA采用real-time PCR检测COX6C mRNA相对表达量。结果损伤后6h内仅见肌纤维间出血、肌细胞肿胀等改变,未见炎症细胞浸润。损伤6h以后逐渐出现肌细胞变性、坏死、炎症细胞浸润、纤维结缔组织增生等改变。COX6C mRNA在损伤后6 h以前其表达量均高于正常对照组,而在损伤6~36 h,其表达量均低于正常对照组。结论 COX6C mRNA在大鼠肌肉挫伤后呈现规律性表达,结合组织学检查有助于损伤时间的推断和研究。
目的:探討肌肉挫傷後組織中細胞色素c氧化酶亞基Ⅵc(cytochrome c oxidase subunit Ⅵc,COX6C) mRNA的錶達變化及其與損傷時間的關繫。方法54隻健康成年SD大鼠隨機被分為正常對照組和損傷後0.5、1、6、12、18、24、30和36 h組,採用重力錘自由落體方式製作大鼠肌肉挫傷模型。于相應時間提取挫傷處肌肉組織樣本進行常規組織學觀察,併提取組織中總RNA採用real-time PCR檢測COX6C mRNA相對錶達量。結果損傷後6h內僅見肌纖維間齣血、肌細胞腫脹等改變,未見炎癥細胞浸潤。損傷6h以後逐漸齣現肌細胞變性、壞死、炎癥細胞浸潤、纖維結締組織增生等改變。COX6C mRNA在損傷後6 h以前其錶達量均高于正常對照組,而在損傷6~36 h,其錶達量均低于正常對照組。結論 COX6C mRNA在大鼠肌肉挫傷後呈現規律性錶達,結閤組織學檢查有助于損傷時間的推斷和研究。
목적:탐토기육좌상후조직중세포색소c양화매아기Ⅵc(cytochrome c oxidase subunit Ⅵc,COX6C) mRNA적표체변화급기여손상시간적관계。방법54지건강성년SD대서수궤피분위정상대조조화손상후0.5、1、6、12、18、24、30화36 h조,채용중력추자유락체방식제작대서기육좌상모형。우상응시간제취좌상처기육조직양본진행상규조직학관찰,병제취조직중총RNA채용real-time PCR검측COX6C mRNA상대표체량。결과손상후6h내부견기섬유간출혈、기세포종창등개변,미견염증세포침윤。손상6h이후축점출현기세포변성、배사、염증세포침윤、섬유결체조직증생등개변。COX6C mRNA재손상후6 h이전기표체량균고우정상대조조,이재손상6~36 h,기표체량균저우정상대조조。결론 COX6C mRNA재대서기육좌상후정현규률성표체,결합조직학검사유조우손상시간적추단화연구。
Objective T o investigate the relation betw een injury tim e and the expression of cytochrom e c oxidase subunitⅥc (COX6C) m R N A in skeletal m uscle of rat after contusion. Methods A total of fifty-four SD rats w ere divided into the control group and the contusion groups (0.5,1,6,12,18, 24, 30, and 36 h after contusion), random ly. T he contusion m odel w as established by free fall drop of gravity ham-m er. A t corresponding tim e point after contusion, the regular histology w as exam ined and expression level of COX6C m R N A w as tested by real-tim e PC R after extraction of total R N A from the tissues. Results T he m ain pathological features of 6 h after injury included edem a and hem orrhage in m yocytes w ith no inflam m atory cells found. A fter 6 hours, the findings included m yocyte degeneration and necro-sis, inflam m atory cells infiltration, and fibrous connective tissue proliferation in the contused zone. T he expression level of COX6C m R N A w as higher than that of the control group w ithin 6 h after contusion. T he expression level w as low er than that of the control group from 6-36 h after contusion. Conclusion T he level of COX6C m R N A expresses in a regular w ay after contusion. It m ay be useful for estim ating w ound age in com bination w ith the results of pathological features.