Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge%pylon%hoisting device%hoisting and installing%high-strength bolt group%high-strength steel rod%force analysis%finite element method
为了解港珠澳大桥江海直达船航道桥风帆型桥塔吊装过程中桥塔与吊具连接高强螺栓群的受力状况,提出较为合理的桥塔吊装连接方案,以该桥桥塔Z10号节段吊装连接为例进行分析。采用ANSYS建立桥塔Z10号节段及吊具有限元模型,取0°、45°和90°3种典型吊装模态对高强螺栓群进行受力分析。结果表明:在水平至垂向吊装过程中,吊臂与桥塔采用高强螺栓群连接,满足不了吊装要求。为此,采取用高强度钢拉杆组件替换部分受力过大的高强螺栓等措施加强吊具与桥塔连接的可靠性。采取加强措施后高强度钢拉杆最大拉应力为947 M Pa、径向剪应力为586 M Pa;高强螺栓群最大拉应力为829 M Pa、径向剪应力为395 M Pa ,均满足吊装要求,该方案已得到成功应用。
為瞭解港珠澳大橋江海直達船航道橋風帆型橋塔弔裝過程中橋塔與弔具連接高彊螺栓群的受力狀況,提齣較為閤理的橋塔弔裝連接方案,以該橋橋塔Z10號節段弔裝連接為例進行分析。採用ANSYS建立橋塔Z10號節段及弔具有限元模型,取0°、45°和90°3種典型弔裝模態對高彊螺栓群進行受力分析。結果錶明:在水平至垂嚮弔裝過程中,弔臂與橋塔採用高彊螺栓群連接,滿足不瞭弔裝要求。為此,採取用高彊度鋼拉桿組件替換部分受力過大的高彊螺栓等措施加彊弔具與橋塔連接的可靠性。採取加彊措施後高彊度鋼拉桿最大拉應力為947 M Pa、徑嚮剪應力為586 M Pa;高彊螺栓群最大拉應力為829 M Pa、徑嚮剪應力為395 M Pa ,均滿足弔裝要求,該方案已得到成功應用。
위료해항주오대교강해직체선항도교풍범형교탑조장과정중교탑여조구련접고강라전군적수력상황,제출교위합리적교탑조장련접방안,이해교교탑Z10호절단조장련접위례진행분석。채용ANSYS건립교탑Z10호절단급조구유한원모형,취0°、45°화90°3충전형조장모태대고강라전군진행수력분석。결과표명:재수평지수향조장과정중,조비여교탑채용고강라전군련접,만족불료조장요구。위차,채취용고강도강랍간조건체환부분수력과대적고강라전등조시가강조구여교탑련접적가고성。채취가강조시후고강도강랍간최대랍응력위947 M Pa、경향전응력위586 M Pa;고강라전군최대랍응력위829 M Pa、경향전응력위395 M Pa ,균만족조장요구,해방안이득도성공응용。
To have an understanding of the force conditions of the high‐strength bolt group connecting the sail‐shape pylon and hoisting device in the process of hoisting and installing the py‐lon of the River‐to‐Sea Ship Channel Bridge of the Hong Kong‐Zhuhai‐Macao Bridge ,the rational scheme for hoisting and installing the pylon and for connecting the pylon and hoisting device was proposed .The hoisting and installing of the segment Z10 of the pylon of the bridge was cited as a case analysis .The ANSYS was used to set up the finite element model for both the segment Z10 and the hoisting device ,3 typical hoisting and installing modes of 0° ,45° and 90° were selected and the force conditions of the high‐strength bolt group were analyzed .The results of the analysis show that in the hoisting and installing of the pylon from the horizontal to the vertical directions , the pylon and hoisting boom connected by the high‐strength bolt group can not cater for the re‐quirements of the hoisting and installing .In such case ,the measure of replacing part of the high‐strength bolts that are to bear excessive load with the high‐strength steel rod assembly is taken in order to enhance the reliability of the connecting of the pylon and hoisting device .With the meas‐ure having been taken ,the maximum tensile stress of the steel rods is 947 M Pa and the radial shear stress is 586 MPa .The maximum tensile stress of the high‐strength bolt group is 829 MPa and the radial shear stress is 395 M Pa . T he stresses all can satisfy the requirements and the proposed scheme is finally successfully put in use in the construction .