China Earthquake Engineering Journal
piezoelectric ceramic actuator%piezoelectric friction damper%finite element analysis%test study
利用压电陶瓷的压电效应,研发出一种基于半主动控制的新型压电摩擦阻尼器,介绍其构造和工作原理。建立新型压电摩擦阻尼器的 ABAQUS 有限元模型,得出阻尼器在不同工况下的滞回曲线,并进行其滞回性能试验,用试验值验证阻尼器有限元模型的相似性,两者得到的阻尼器摩擦力变化趋势相近;采用 ANSYS 建立安装有新型压电摩擦阻尼器的输变电塔模型,利用 MAT-LAB 计算输变电塔模型各层的加速度响应,验证新型压电摩擦阻尼器在实际结构中的摩擦耗能性能,为其工程应用提供理论依据。
利用壓電陶瓷的壓電效應,研髮齣一種基于半主動控製的新型壓電摩抆阻尼器,介紹其構造和工作原理。建立新型壓電摩抆阻尼器的 ABAQUS 有限元模型,得齣阻尼器在不同工況下的滯迴麯線,併進行其滯迴性能試驗,用試驗值驗證阻尼器有限元模型的相似性,兩者得到的阻尼器摩抆力變化趨勢相近;採用 ANSYS 建立安裝有新型壓電摩抆阻尼器的輸變電塔模型,利用 MAT-LAB 計算輸變電塔模型各層的加速度響應,驗證新型壓電摩抆阻尼器在實際結構中的摩抆耗能性能,為其工程應用提供理論依據。
이용압전도자적압전효응,연발출일충기우반주동공제적신형압전마찰조니기,개소기구조화공작원리。건립신형압전마찰조니기적 ABAQUS 유한원모형,득출조니기재불동공황하적체회곡선,병진행기체회성능시험,용시험치험증조니기유한원모형적상사성,량자득도적조니기마찰력변화추세상근;채용 ANSYS 건립안장유신형압전마찰조니기적수변전탑모형,이용 MAT-LAB 계산수변전탑모형각층적가속도향응,험증신형압전마찰조니기재실제결구중적마찰모능성능,위기공정응용제공이론의거。
Using the piezoelectric effect of piezoelectric ceramics,this article developed a new pie-zoelectric friction damper based on semi-active control theory,and described its structure and working principle.The ABAQUS finite-element model of the new piezoelectric friction damper was established.By the model,the damper hysteresis curve was obtained under different condi-tions,and a hysteretic damper performance test was conducted.Simultaneously,the finite-element calculations and experimental values of the damper were compared.By comparing the hysteresis curves of the finite-element simulation and the hysteretic damper performance test,the following conclusions could be obtained.The hysteresis curve of the damper which installs one piezoelectric ceramic actuator was full,and the friction energy performance of the new piezoelectric friction damper was good;the hysteresis curve of the damper which installs two piezoelectric ceramic ac-tuators was fuller than installing one piezoelectric ceramic actuator,thus by installing two piezoe-lectric ceramic actuators,the friction damper could obtain better friction energy performance;the cause of the deviation between the theoretical and experimental values was that the driver dis-placement of the piezoelectric ceramic actuator was small and was affected by many manufactur-ing factors;so the actual output of the damper was small.Then;a model of a new piezoelectric friction damper installed on a power transmission tower was established by ANSYS;and the ac-celeration response of the layers of the power transmission tower model was computed by MAT-LAB.The friction energy performance of the new piezoelectric friction damper in the actual struc-ture could be verified.The following conclusions could be obtained through the finite-element sim-ulation:the effect of the damping control of the new piezoelectric friction damper installed on a power transmission tower was good,and the new piezoelectric friction damper had good practica-bility.This article can provide a theoretical basis for the engineering applications of the damper.