tea plantations%field management models%arthropod community%temporal and spatial patterns%biodiversity
选择树龄相同、品种为安吉白茶而栽培管理模式不同的有机茶园、三行密植茶园和丰产茶园,以及种植安吉白茶和龙井43等40多个品种的茶树品种园,通过在1周年内每2月1次的调查,发现:①从品种园、有机茶园、三行密植茶园至丰产茶园,天敌种数和个体数递减;三行密植茶园总个体数最大。②在垂直分层上:天敌种数和个体数在丰产茶园、三行密植茶园和品种园中皆以中层最多,在有机茶园中则以上层最多;害虫种数在丰产茶园、三行密植茶园和品种园中以中层最多,在有机茶园中以上层最多;害虫个体数在丰产茶园和三行密植茶园以下层最多,在品种园和有机茶园以中层最多;③在水平分布上,除了品种园,其他3类茶园东、西向天敌种数之和、个体数之和分别大于南、北向天敌种数之和、个体数之和;④在茶丛内、外层,4类茶园皆以内层害虫种数和个体数略多;外层天敌种数和个体数略多;⑤12月至翌年 2月的越冬期间,物种数相对较少;4月、6月和10月物种数相对较多;⑥从有机茶园、品种园、丰产茶园至三行密植茶园,多样性指数递减。分析认为:尽管树龄、品种等相同,但是一个时期以来的不同管理模式可导致 4类茶园节肢动物群落时空格局和多样性的显著差异,在一定程度上调控着昆虫群落结构和多样性。
選擇樹齡相同、品種為安吉白茶而栽培管理模式不同的有機茶園、三行密植茶園和豐產茶園,以及種植安吉白茶和龍井43等40多箇品種的茶樹品種園,通過在1週年內每2月1次的調查,髮現:①從品種園、有機茶園、三行密植茶園至豐產茶園,天敵種數和箇體數遞減;三行密植茶園總箇體數最大。②在垂直分層上:天敵種數和箇體數在豐產茶園、三行密植茶園和品種園中皆以中層最多,在有機茶園中則以上層最多;害蟲種數在豐產茶園、三行密植茶園和品種園中以中層最多,在有機茶園中以上層最多;害蟲箇體數在豐產茶園和三行密植茶園以下層最多,在品種園和有機茶園以中層最多;③在水平分佈上,除瞭品種園,其他3類茶園東、西嚮天敵種數之和、箇體數之和分彆大于南、北嚮天敵種數之和、箇體數之和;④在茶叢內、外層,4類茶園皆以內層害蟲種數和箇體數略多;外層天敵種數和箇體數略多;⑤12月至翌年 2月的越鼕期間,物種數相對較少;4月、6月和10月物種數相對較多;⑥從有機茶園、品種園、豐產茶園至三行密植茶園,多樣性指數遞減。分析認為:儘管樹齡、品種等相同,但是一箇時期以來的不同管理模式可導緻 4類茶園節肢動物群落時空格跼和多樣性的顯著差異,在一定程度上調控著昆蟲群落結構和多樣性。
선택수령상동、품충위안길백다이재배관리모식불동적유궤다완、삼행밀식다완화봉산다완,이급충식안길백다화룡정43등40다개품충적다수품충완,통과재1주년내매2월1차적조사,발현:①종품충완、유궤다완、삼행밀식다완지봉산다완,천활충수화개체수체감;삼행밀식다완총개체수최대。②재수직분층상:천활충수화개체수재봉산다완、삼행밀식다완화품충완중개이중층최다,재유궤다완중칙이상층최다;해충충수재봉산다완、삼행밀식다완화품충완중이중층최다,재유궤다완중이상층최다;해충개체수재봉산다완화삼행밀식다완이하층최다,재품충완화유궤다완이중층최다;③재수평분포상,제료품충완,기타3류다완동、서향천활충수지화、개체수지화분별대우남、북향천활충수지화、개체수지화;④재다총내、외층,4류다완개이내층해충충수화개체수략다;외층천활충수화개체수략다;⑤12월지익년 2월적월동기간,물충수상대교소;4월、6월화10월물충수상대교다;⑥종유궤다완、품충완、봉산다완지삼행밀식다완,다양성지수체감。분석인위:진관수령、품충등상동,단시일개시기이래적불동관리모식가도치 4류다완절지동물군락시공격국화다양성적현저차이,재일정정도상조공착곤충군락결구화다양성。
The arthropod communities were investigated by sampling at an interval of two months for one year in four types of tea plantations: organic tea plantation (OTP), tri-row dense tea tree plantation (TRDTTP), and high yield tea plantation (HYTP) Every types of tea garden planted the Anjibaicha tea cultivar with the same tea plant age, as well as the tea cultivar garden (TCG) growing with Anjibaicha, Longjin 43 and other over forty cultivars. The results showed that: ① Species richness and abundance of natural enemies decreased progressively from TCG, OTP, TRDTTP to HYTP, whilst the total abundance in TRDTTP was the highest among the four types of tea plantations.② For the vertical stratification of arthropod communities, higher species richness and abundance of the natural enemies in HYTP, TRDTTP and TCG existed at the middle layer of tea plant than in the other layers, whereas the highest species richness and abundance occurred at the upper layer in OTP, the highest species richness of various pests occurred at the middle layer of tea plant in HYTP, TRDTTP and TCG, and at the upper layer in OTP; the highest abundance (overall individual numbers) of pests existed at the lower layer in HYTP and TRDTTP, and at the middle layer in TCG and OTP. ③ Horizontally, the sum of species richness and the sum of abundance of the natural enemies toward the eastward and the westward were more than those toward the southward and the northward in the all plantations except TCG. ④ The species richness and the abundance of pests existed in the inner layers of tea canopies were slightly higher than those in the outer layers for all four tea plantations, whilst the species richness and the abundance of the natural enemies occurred in outer layers were slightly more than those in the inner layers. ⑤ A relatively low species richness was recorded from December to February (overwinter period), while higher species richnesses were detected in April, June and October. ⑥ The diversity indices of arthropod communities decreased progressively from OTP, TCG, HYTP to TRDTTP. It is suggested that the different field management models (different types of tea plantations) might lead to the significant differences in the temporal and spatial patterns (structures) and the diversity of the arthropod communities in tea plantations.