China Earthquake Engineering Journal
莱州序列%发震构造%双差定位%CAP 方法
萊州序列%髮震構造%雙差定位%CAP 方法
래주서렬%발진구조%쌍차정위%CAP 방법
Laizhou earthquake sequence%causative structure%double-difference location%CAP method
采用双差定位法对山东莱州地震序列重新定位,通过 CAP 方法反演 M 4.6地震震源机制,在此基础上初步探讨莱州地震序列发震构造。结果显示:精确定位震中位置主要位于柞村—仙夼断裂的 NW 方向,深度剖面显示从 SE 方向到 NW 方向断层深度呈由浅逐渐变深的趋势,这均与柞村—仙夼断裂位置、走向、倾向特征较为吻合;M 4.6地震震源机制解的节面Ⅰ与柞村—仙夼断裂走向、倾角较为接近。综合精确定位震中位置、剖面深度分布特征、M 4.6地震震源机制解及宏观调查烈度分布等结果与柞村-仙夼断裂产状之间的关系,初步推测柞村—仙夼断裂可能为莱州地震序列的发震断层。
採用雙差定位法對山東萊州地震序列重新定位,通過 CAP 方法反縯 M 4.6地震震源機製,在此基礎上初步探討萊州地震序列髮震構造。結果顯示:精確定位震中位置主要位于柞村—仙夼斷裂的 NW 方嚮,深度剖麵顯示從 SE 方嚮到 NW 方嚮斷層深度呈由淺逐漸變深的趨勢,這均與柞村—仙夼斷裂位置、走嚮、傾嚮特徵較為吻閤;M 4.6地震震源機製解的節麵Ⅰ與柞村—仙夼斷裂走嚮、傾角較為接近。綜閤精確定位震中位置、剖麵深度分佈特徵、M 4.6地震震源機製解及宏觀調查烈度分佈等結果與柞村-仙夼斷裂產狀之間的關繫,初步推測柞村—仙夼斷裂可能為萊州地震序列的髮震斷層。
채용쌍차정위법대산동래주지진서렬중신정위,통과 CAP 방법반연 M 4.6지진진원궤제,재차기출상초보탐토래주지진서렬발진구조。결과현시:정학정위진중위치주요위우작촌—선천단렬적 NW 방향,심도부면현시종 SE 방향도 NW 방향단층심도정유천축점변심적추세,저균여작촌—선천단렬위치、주향、경향특정교위문합;M 4.6지진진원궤제해적절면Ⅰ여작촌—선천단렬주향、경각교위접근。종합정학정위진중위치、부면심도분포특정、M 4.6지진진원궤제해급굉관조사열도분포등결과여작촌-선천단렬산상지간적관계,초보추측작촌—선천단렬가능위래주지진서렬적발진단층。
The M 4.6 earthquake in Laizhou,Shandong,occurred on November 23,2013,and it was the largest earthquake recorded since 1 970.This event was also notable as the most potent earth-quake in the interior regions since the M 5.2 earthquake of Cangshan 18 years earlier.The Shan-dong Digital Earthquake Network Center has recorded 86 aftershocks until March 02,2014,inclu-ding 18 earthquakes of more than M L 2.0.The earthquake occurred between the Jingzhi and Yishu faults (along NE direction)with the Liucun-Laizhou,Zuocun-Xiankuan,Matou-Dagu faults around the epicenter.The focal mechanism describes the nature and source of the rupture process, and is an important foundation for understanding the stress state of the source region,earthquake faults,and analyzing the causes of the seismic event.Therefore,the determination of the earth-quake focal mechanisms is of great significance in the understanding of the mechanical process of earthquakes,for seismic interpretation,and for the understanding of the post-earthquake seis-mogenic stress distribution mechanism.Thus the causative structure of the Laizhou earthquake se-quence is discussed on the basis of relocating the Laizhou earthquake sequence using the double-difference method and analyzing the focal mechanism of the stronger earthquake using the “cut and paste”(CAP )method.Eighty-six earthquakes were relocated using the double-difference method,and 75 basic earthquake parameters were obtained.The precise epicenter was located along the direction of Zuocun-Xiankuan fault,which is consistent with the location,strike,and dip of the Zuocun-Xiankuan fault.The depth of the entire earthquake sequence was found from 4 to 9 km,and the advantages of depth was at 5~7 km.The result showed that the main earthquake rupture occurred in the upper crust.The analysis of the vertical profile by precise positioning showed that the focal depth from SE to NW gradually becomes deeper,and the dip direction is in the NW direction,which are consistent with location,strike,and dip of the Zuocun-Xiankuang fault.The focal mechanism of the 4.6 earthquake was inverted using the CAP method.Thus,the synthetic seismograms fit well with the observed seismograms,and the inversion result is verified. The focal mechanism showed that the moment magnitude of the M 4.6 earthquake was M W= 4.5, one nodal plane had a strike of 1 93°,a rake of 144°,and a dip of 69°,and another nodal plane had a strike of 298°,a rake of 25°,and a dip of 57°.The first nodal plane appeared to have occurred close to the Zuocun-Xiankuang fault.Combining the precise relocation results,profile depth distribu-tion,focal mechanism of the M 4.6 earthquake,and intensity distribution by macroscopic investi-gation using the relationship of Zuocun-Xiankuang fault occurrence,it was concluded that the Zuocun-Xiankuang fault may be the seismogenic fault of Laizhou earthquake sequence.