Social Sciences Journal of Colleges of Shanxi
科教兴国战略 教育体制改革 人才培养模式:高素质人才
科教興國戰略 教育體製改革 人纔培養模式:高素質人纔
과교흥국전략 교육체제개혁 인재배양모식:고소질인재
the strategy of developing the country by relying on science and education; reform of educational system; cultivating model of talen ts; talents with high quality;
党的十六大报告再次重申科教兴国战略的基本国策 ,并多处提到必须推进科技创新 ,教育创新 ,坚持以教育为本 ,优先发展教育 ,改革人才培养模式 ,使高素质人才真正成为强国兴邦、实现全面小康的根本保障
黨的十六大報告再次重申科教興國戰略的基本國策 ,併多處提到必鬚推進科技創新 ,教育創新 ,堅持以教育為本 ,優先髮展教育 ,改革人纔培養模式 ,使高素質人纔真正成為彊國興邦、實現全麵小康的根本保障
당적십륙대보고재차중신과교흥국전략적기본국책 ,병다처제도필수추진과기창신 ,교육창신 ,견지이교육위본 ,우선발전교육 ,개혁인재배양모식 ,사고소질인재진정성위강국흥방、실현전면소강적근본보장
The report of the 16th conference of party recon fi rmed the fundamental strategy of developing the country by relying on science an d education and meanwhile mentioned promoting innovation of sci-tech and educat ion in many aspects and also insisted on taking education as essence and reformi ng fortering model of talents so as to make the talents with high quality really b ecome cardinal guarantee for rejuenating nation and realizing building a well-o ff society across the country.