Journal of Tsinghua University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
汪健 林秀华 杨存荣 郑为中 杨永林
汪健 林秀華 楊存榮 鄭為中 楊永林
왕건 림수화 양존영 정위중 양영림
创新 内涵 创新体制
創新 內涵 創新體製
창신 내함 창신체제
connotation of creativity; innovation in science and technology; relationship between innovative system and original work.;
创新能力的培养是当前我国高等教育改革所面临的一大课题。针对如何全面体现创新内涵、如何建立完善的创新体制、如何协调创新与体制的关系这些问题 ,作者在清华大学院士群体中进行了相关调查。调查结果表明 ,创新的体制在促进重大科技创新及其成果的推广与应用中具有不可取代的重要意义
創新能力的培養是噹前我國高等教育改革所麵臨的一大課題。針對如何全麵體現創新內涵、如何建立完善的創新體製、如何協調創新與體製的關繫這些問題 ,作者在清華大學院士群體中進行瞭相關調查。調查結果錶明 ,創新的體製在促進重大科技創新及其成果的推廣與應用中具有不可取代的重要意義
창신능력적배양시당전아국고등교육개혁소면림적일대과제。침대여하전면체현창신내함、여하건립완선적창신체제、여하협조창신여체제적관계저사문제 ,작자재청화대학원사군체중진행료상관조사。조사결과표명 ,창신적체제재촉진중대과기창신급기성과적추엄여응용중구유불가취대적중요의의
How to develop the ability of creativity has recently become an important issue in relation to the further reformation in the higher education system in China. In order to have a better understanding of the relationship between the connotation of creativity and the establishment of a better system for originality, the present study conducted an investigation among the members of C. A. S. and C. A. E at Tsinghua University. To meet this end, both questionnaire method and personal interview method were employ...