Acta Psychologica Sinica
刘世熠 林德亮 蔡景霞 李朝达
劉世熠 林德亮 蔡景霞 李朝達
류세습 림덕량 채경하 리조체
学习 反转 生理心理 灵长类动物 豚尾猴 卷尾猴 阿拉伯 颜色 比较研究 实验
學習 反轉 生理心理 靈長類動物 豚尾猴 捲尾猴 阿拉伯 顏色 比較研究 實驗
학습 반전 생리심리 령장류동물 돈미후 권미후 아랍백 안색 비교연구 실험
<正> 不同种类猿猴脑高级机能的比较生理心理研究的资料很少,并且意见不完全一致。和(1997)曾报道黑猩猩较阿拉伯狒有较大的推断能力。Shell和Riopelle(1958)报道阔鼻猴蜘蛛猴(Ateles geoffroyi),卷尾猴(Cebus albifrons)
<正> 不同種類猿猴腦高級機能的比較生理心理研究的資料很少,併且意見不完全一緻。和(1997)曾報道黑猩猩較阿拉伯狒有較大的推斷能力。Shell和Riopelle(1958)報道闊鼻猴蜘蛛猴(Ateles geoffroyi),捲尾猴(Cebus albifrons)
<정> 불동충류원후뇌고급궤능적비교생리심리연구적자료흔소,병차의견불완전일치。화(1997)증보도흑성성교아랍백비유교대적추단능력。Shell화Riopelle(1958)보도활비후지주후(Ateles geoffroyi),권미후(Cebus albifrons)
Ten adolescent, experimentally normal primates-2 Macaca nemestrina,2Macaca speciosa, 2 Macaca assamensis, 1 Papio hamadryas, 1 Mandrillussphinx, 1 Nycticebus coucang and 1 Cebus albifrons-were used. Reversallearning wasstudied by the method of simultaneous presentation of positiveand negativestimuli. All testing was carried out with a modified WGTA. Tr-aining commenced, with each S to reach a criterion of 80%correct in 2-3successive trials of "stereotype". Next, the "stereotype" was reversed, untilS again reachedthe same criterion. The major findings were: (1) There was no fundamental distinctions in the mobility of the nervousprocesses of Macaca nemestrina, Macaca speciosa and Macaca assamensis, buttheir mobilities were superior to that of Nycticebus coucang. (2) Our results show that the reversal of color stimuli was more diffi-cult than the form stimuli in all of primates tested. (3) The difficulty of reversal from positive to negative stimuli was thesame traits in the majority of primates tested.