Acta Psychologica Sinica
测距精度 光学测距 光轴 垂直发散 精度误差 不平行度 水平方向 光学仪器 会聚 垂直变化
測距精度 光學測距 光軸 垂直髮散 精度誤差 不平行度 水平方嚮 光學儀器 會聚 垂直變化
측거정도 광학측거 광축 수직발산 정도오차 불평행도 수평방향 광학의기 회취 수직변화
<正> 目前,我国的双目光学测距仪器光轴不平行度公差大致有以下几组: 垂直发散:±15′±20′±20′±27′ 水平发散:60′60′60′60′ 水平会聚:20′20′30′36′上述数据基本上是沿袭国外有关数据。美苏两国这方面的数据大致为:
<正> 目前,我國的雙目光學測距儀器光軸不平行度公差大緻有以下幾組: 垂直髮散:±15′±20′±20′±27′ 水平髮散:60′60′60′60′ 水平會聚:20′20′30′36′上述數據基本上是沿襲國外有關數據。美囌兩國這方麵的數據大緻為:
<정> 목전,아국적쌍목광학측거의기광축불평행도공차대치유이하궤조: 수직발산:±15′±20′±20′±27′ 수평발산:60′60′60′60′ 수평회취:20′20′30′36′상술수거기본상시연습국외유관수거。미소량국저방면적수거대치위:
This experiment studied the relationship between the accuracy of rangefinding, visual fatigue and optical axis nonparallelism of binocular opticalrangefinder, in order to provide a basis for setting the standard of verticaldivergence, horizontal divergence and horizontal convergence of binocularoptical rangefinder. A binocular stereo range finding system was used. 10adults with normal vision participated in this experiment under normaltemperature(≈20℃) conditions. The experiment gave the range of limited values and comfortable valuesof the optical axis nonparallelism of binocular optical rangefinder. The limited values are Y=184.22+0.10X-0.19X~2(0≤X≤30) Y=59.54+0.01X-0.06X~2(0≤X≤30) The comfortable values are Y=121.43+0.07X-0.29X~2(0≤X≤20) Y=40.20+0.01X-0.10X~2(0≤X≤20) The results showed that changes of optical axis within certain regions canlead to corresponding changes of accuracy of range finding and visual fatigue