Acta Psychologica Sinica
崔君铭 申凤鸣 陈德茂 杨雄里 马谋超 朱金波
崔君銘 申鳳鳴 陳德茂 楊雄裏 馬謀超 硃金波
최군명 신봉명 진덕무 양웅리 마모초 주금파
铁路灯光信号 色灯信号 信号识别 信号灯光 光源参数 信号显示 观察距离 对比度 光系统 列车
鐵路燈光信號 色燈信號 信號識彆 信號燈光 光源參數 信號顯示 觀察距離 對比度 光繫統 列車
철로등광신호 색등신호 신호식별 신호등광 광원삼수 신호현시 관찰거리 대비도 광계통 열차
<正> 铁路色灯信号不论在白天或夜间都指挥着列车的运行,其显示好坏直接关系到列车的安全和效率。影响色灯信号显示的因素很多,如光源参数,光系统结构,灯光散角,天气好坏等。而色灯信号的颜色,观察距离(或视张角)以及亮对比度是人对信号识别的三个较重要因素,所以我们想从这三个方面来讨论信号灯光显示问题。
<正> 鐵路色燈信號不論在白天或夜間都指揮著列車的運行,其顯示好壞直接關繫到列車的安全和效率。影響色燈信號顯示的因素很多,如光源參數,光繫統結構,燈光散角,天氣好壞等。而色燈信號的顏色,觀察距離(或視張角)以及亮對比度是人對信號識彆的三箇較重要因素,所以我們想從這三箇方麵來討論信號燈光顯示問題。
<정> 철로색등신호불론재백천혹야간도지휘착열차적운행,기현시호배직접관계도열차적안전화효솔。영향색등신호현시적인소흔다,여광원삼수,광계통결구,등광산각,천기호배등。이색등신호적안색,관찰거리(혹시장각)이급량대비도시인대신호식별적삼개교중요인소,소이아문상종저삼개방면래토론신호등광현시문제。
Several variables, i.e. colour, visual angle and brightness contrast that affect theefficiency of railway light signal display were investigated. About 1500 observers se-lected from various districts and nationalities participated in a colour naming experi-ment in which colour zones on the chromaticity diagram had been determined foruse as railway light signals. Two series of identification experiments were carried out at a railway yard. Inone series, visual angle was kept constant and brightness contrast was a variable. Inanother series brightness was kept coustant and visual angle was a. variable. In bothseries red, green and yellow signals were presented randomly. In the preliminary experiments it was found that while the red and yellow signalswere kept in favourable display conditions the observers showed higher probability ofcorrect identification for the green signal even if it was under unfavourable coudition,because if the signals were not red or yellow, it should have been green. After addinga white signal and a non-signal as interference to eliminated the guess effect, twosets of psychophysical functions ——correct identification rate vs. visual angle curveand correct identification rate vs. brightness contrast curve had been obtained.