Acta Psychologica Sinica
陈永明 赫葆源 马谋超 许宗惠 纪桂萍 张增慧 汪慧丽 张嘉棠
陳永明 赫葆源 馬謀超 許宗惠 紀桂萍 張增慧 汪慧麗 張嘉棠
진영명 혁보원 마모초 허종혜 기계평 장증혜 왕혜려 장가당
亮度函数 感受性 视函数 可见光谱 人眼 视亮度 颜色光 不同区域 表征 Visio
亮度函數 感受性 視函數 可見光譜 人眼 視亮度 顏色光 不同區域 錶徵 Visio
량도함수 감수성 시함수 가견광보 인안 시량도 안색광 불동구역 표정 Visio
<正> 在可见光谱范围内(380nm-780nm)。人眼对不同波长的辐射,即各种颜色光,具有不同的感受性。一般说来,人眼对可见光谱中黄绿色的感受性最高,对光谱两端的红色和紫色,感受性就低得多。人眼对光谱不同区域视觉感受性不同的这种特点,通常叫作光谱视亮度或光谱感受性,并以其函数来表征,称为光谱相对视亮度函数。它的图示,就是
<正> 在可見光譜範圍內(380nm-780nm)。人眼對不同波長的輻射,即各種顏色光,具有不同的感受性。一般說來,人眼對可見光譜中黃綠色的感受性最高,對光譜兩耑的紅色和紫色,感受性就低得多。人眼對光譜不同區域視覺感受性不同的這種特點,通常叫作光譜視亮度或光譜感受性,併以其函數來錶徵,稱為光譜相對視亮度函數。它的圖示,就是
<정> 재가견광보범위내(380nm-780nm)。인안대불동파장적복사,즉각충안색광,구유불동적감수성。일반설래,인안대가견광보중황록색적감수성최고,대광보량단적홍색화자색,감수성취저득다。인안대광보불동구역시각감수성불동적저충특점,통상규작광보시량도혹광보감수성,병이기함수래표정,칭위광보상대시량도함수。타적도시,취시
This study was undertaken by using the flicker method with 50 normal visionadult subjects. The visual field subtended two degrees and the level of luminancewas 30 cd/m~2. 18 points, with seperations of 10 or 20 nm, were selected for measure-ment in the wavelength range of 404 to 700 nm. Subjects of two age groups wereused: below 30 and above 30 years of age. The results obtained were as follows. First, the average maximum spectral sensitivity of 50 subjects, was found to beat 555 nm, which is in close agreement with the CIE V_λ. Most of the subjects had amaximum value at 555nm or 560nm, which showed that it is considerably concentra-ted. Furthermore, another verification of the maximum value was made, the resultagain was proved to be valid. Sceond, comparison was made between the two age groups. It indicates thatthere is a variation with age in the short wave and of the spectrum, where the V_λ va-lue smoothly decreases as age increases. Third, at the extreme short wavelength end of the spectrum (below 460 nm), therelative sensitivity obtained by the present study is significantly higher than that ofCIE, it is rather coinciled with the result revised by D. B. Judd in 1951. Fourth, aside from the deviation mantioned above, the shape of the ralative spe-etral Iuminosity curve of Chinese people is basically similar to the CIE V_λ. This fin-ding in turn suggests that there is likely no significant ethnological difference betweenwhite and yallow races in this respect.