Acta Psychologica Sinica
许淑莲 汤慈美 宋维真 孙长华 项曼君 张树勋 刘淑琪 龚显琳 余秋生 刘迦良 冯北元 徐慕禹 孟秀文 张崇理
許淑蓮 湯慈美 宋維真 孫長華 項曼君 張樹勛 劉淑琪 龔顯琳 餘鞦生 劉迦良 馮北元 徐慕禹 孟秀文 張崇理
허숙련 탕자미 송유진 손장화 항만군 장수훈 류숙기 공현림 여추생 류가량 풍북원 서모우 맹수문 장숭리
情绪状态 生理机能 手术室 生理生化 针麻 心理过程 受到注意 量的研究 综合分析 术前患者
情緒狀態 生理機能 手術室 生理生化 針痳 心理過程 受到註意 量的研究 綜閤分析 術前患者
정서상태 생리궤능 수술실 생리생화 침마 심리과정 수도주의 량적연구 종합분석 술전환자
<正> 情绪活动和某些生理机能或心理过程的关系很久以来就已进行过大量的研究。外科手术前患者的情绪状态及其相应的生理机能的变化,也曾受到注意。患者在意识清醒状态下进行针麻手术,他的情绪状态对针麻过程及其效果的作用如何,这种情绪状态和某些心理、生理机能有什么联系?这是针麻临床上和理论上应予探讨的问题之一。本工作试图综合分析患者的情绪状态和与之伴随的某些生理生化指标变化,以探讨
<正> 情緒活動和某些生理機能或心理過程的關繫很久以來就已進行過大量的研究。外科手術前患者的情緒狀態及其相應的生理機能的變化,也曾受到註意。患者在意識清醒狀態下進行針痳手術,他的情緒狀態對針痳過程及其效果的作用如何,這種情緒狀態和某些心理、生理機能有什麽聯繫?這是針痳臨床上和理論上應予探討的問題之一。本工作試圖綜閤分析患者的情緒狀態和與之伴隨的某些生理生化指標變化,以探討
<정> 정서활동화모사생리궤능혹심리과정적관계흔구이래취이진행과대량적연구。외과수술전환자적정서상태급기상응적생리궤능적변화,야증수도주의。환자재의식청성상태하진행침마수술,타적정서상태대침마과정급기효과적작용여하,저충정서상태화모사심리、생리궤능유십요련계?저시침마림상상화이론상응여탐토적문제지일。본공작시도종합분석환자적정서상태화여지반수적모사생리생화지표변화,이탐토
The study was carried out during 1975-1976, and the Ss were 101patients for lung resection under acupuncture anesthesia. The results showed: the emotional states before needle inserting, asassessed either by self-observation or by objective behavior observation,highly correlated with the effect of acupuncture anesthesia, this was espe-cially the case with the latter assessment (P<0.001). The tensionalsoften had worse effect than the stables. Moreoyer, Pts who seemed stableat the beginning and then became tonsional usually had bad effects.The emotional states were related to the following physiological andpsychological functions: 1) Most of the emotional tensionals had greaterfluctuations in respiration and pulse amplitude when lying quietly afterentering the operation room (51Ss). 2) While inserting the acupunctureneedle, the combined fluctuations of G. S. R., respiration and pulse amplitudewere markedly larger for the tensionals than for the stables (P<0.001, 47Ss). 3) The pts with tensional or medial emotional states, the plasma11-OHCS (as compared to that tested in the ward) increased more sign-ificantly than the stables (P<0.05, 47 Ss). 4) All the stables completed thetime estimating test more accurately on entering operation room than thatperformed in the ward, while the most of the tensionals showed worse per-formance than in the ward (P<0.01, 32 Ss). 5) The pts that overconcernedabout acupuncture anesthesia usually were the tensionals when entering theoperation room (P<0.001, 99 Ss). 6) The results of the predicting test,based upon the combined responses of G. S. R., respiration and pulse am-plitude during acupuncture in the laboratory before operation, were alsohighly correlated with the emotional states when entering the operationroom (P<0.01, 101 Ss). 7) Oversensitive patients, evaluated through thecompound cutaneous sensitivity tests of touch and pain befor operaton.usually were the emotionaly tensionals when entering the operation room(P<0.01, 87 Ss). After the acupuncture induction, the catecholamines inblood of most of the tensionals increased while most of the stables hadthis blood substance decreased. However, the changes in catechoamines inblood were related with the effect of acupuncture anesthesia, pts. whohave increased cathecholamine in blood often show bad effect.