王海明 蔡保全 钟礼强 蒋乐平 郑嘉励 杜永强 黄渭金 李永嘉
王海明 蔡保全 鐘禮彊 蔣樂平 鄭嘉勵 杜永彊 黃渭金 李永嘉
왕해명 채보전 종례강 장악평 정가려 두영강 황위금 리영가
浙江 余姚市 鲻山遗址 新石器时代 河姆渡文化
浙江 餘姚市 鯔山遺阯 新石器時代 河姆渡文化
절강 여요시 치산유지 신석기시대 하모도문화
The Zishan site is an important Neolithic site in the Yaojiang River valley and belongs to the Hemudu culture. Noticeable achievements were obtained through excavation in 1996. The site contains deep deposits and rich remains, including tombs, ash-pits and wells. Beneath the eighth layer,remains of pile-dwellings have discovered in three units in an extensive area and can be reliably divided into two phases with respective technical features. Among the unearthed objects are many types of pottery articles, as well as a wide variety of wooden, bone and flint-chipped artifacts. The site corresponds to the Hemudu site in deposition, cultural aspect, cultural character and chronological attribution, and the new-discovered plentiful data enrich to a good extent our understanding of the contents of the Hemudu culture and have great importance to the study of the culture's developmental links and related problems.
The Zishan site is an important Neolithic site in the Yaojiang River valley and belongs to the Hemudu culture. Noticeable achievements were obtained through excavation in 1996. The site contains deep deposits and rich remains, including tombs, ash-pits and wells. Beneath the eighth layer,remains of pile-dwellings have discovered in three units in an extensive area and can be reliably divided into two phases with respective technical features. Among the unearthed objects are many types of pottery articles, as well as a wide variety of wooden, bone and flint-chipped artifacts. The site corresponds to the Hemudu site in deposition, cultural aspect, cultural character and chronological attribution, and the new-discovered plentiful data enrich to a good extent our understanding of the contents of the Hemudu culture and have great importance to the study of the culture's developmental links and related problems.
The Zishan site is an important Neolithic site in the Yaojiang River valley and belongs to the Hemudu culture. Noticeable achievements were obtained through excavation in 1996. The site contains deep deposits and rich remains, including tombs, ash-pits and wells. Beneath the eighth layer,remains of pile-dwellings have discovered in three units in an extensive area and can be reliably divided into two phases with respective technical features. Among the unearthed objects are many types of pottery articles, as well as a wide variety of wooden, bone and flint-chipped artifacts. The site corresponds to the Hemudu site in deposition, cultural aspect, cultural character and chronological attribution, and the new-discovered plentiful data enrich to a good extent our understanding of the contents of the Hemudu culture and have great importance to the study of the culture's developmental links and related problems.