李晓钟 李龙彬 赵晓刚 张克举 佡峻岩 赵菊梅 孙继艳
李曉鐘 李龍彬 趙曉剛 張剋舉 佡峻巖 趙菊梅 孫繼豔
리효종 리룡빈 조효강 장극거 헌준암 조국매 손계염
发掘 高句丽 简报 山城
髮掘 高句麗 簡報 山城
발굴 고구려 간보 산성
The secondary excavation of the Shitaizi mountain castle was carried out on the basis of the first digging. It covered an area of 450 sq m. The recorded remains include the excavated sites of the northwestern, eastern, southern and southwestern city-gates, the reservoir and officers-mustering terrace vestiges known through trial diggings, and the drains discovered at the northwestern and eastern city-gates. Among the unearthed objects are pottery (the urn, jar, dish, basin, fu cauldron, bowl, dou stemmed vessel, vessel cover, spindle whorl and disc), bronzes (the buckle, arrowhead and plaque), irons(the arrowhead, armor plate, nail, paring knife, awl, hook, ring, axe, door-nail, door-axle and its base,and cap-like cover), stone tools (the perforated stone, grindstone, spindle whorl and adze) and bone and antler artifacts. The present excavation indicates that this mountain castle was twice damaged by fire.The city-gate structural members found on the gate-sites, such as iron-cast door-leaves, door-axles and their bases, rivets and loops, are all discovered for the first time at Koguryo mountain castle and provide very valuable material for studying the shape and structure of mountain-castle gates in that period.
The secondary excavation of the Shitaizi mountain castle was carried out on the basis of the first digging. It covered an area of 450 sq m. The recorded remains include the excavated sites of the northwestern, eastern, southern and southwestern city-gates, the reservoir and officers-mustering terrace vestiges known through trial diggings, and the drains discovered at the northwestern and eastern city-gates. Among the unearthed objects are pottery (the urn, jar, dish, basin, fu cauldron, bowl, dou stemmed vessel, vessel cover, spindle whorl and disc), bronzes (the buckle, arrowhead and plaque), irons(the arrowhead, armor plate, nail, paring knife, awl, hook, ring, axe, door-nail, door-axle and its base,and cap-like cover), stone tools (the perforated stone, grindstone, spindle whorl and adze) and bone and antler artifacts. The present excavation indicates that this mountain castle was twice damaged by fire.The city-gate structural members found on the gate-sites, such as iron-cast door-leaves, door-axles and their bases, rivets and loops, are all discovered for the first time at Koguryo mountain castle and provide very valuable material for studying the shape and structure of mountain-castle gates in that period.
The secondary excavation of the Shitaizi mountain castle was carried out on the basis of the first digging. It covered an area of 450 sq m. The recorded remains include the excavated sites of the northwestern, eastern, southern and southwestern city-gates, the reservoir and officers-mustering terrace vestiges known through trial diggings, and the drains discovered at the northwestern and eastern city-gates. Among the unearthed objects are pottery (the urn, jar, dish, basin, fu cauldron, bowl, dou stemmed vessel, vessel cover, spindle whorl and disc), bronzes (the buckle, arrowhead and plaque), irons(the arrowhead, armor plate, nail, paring knife, awl, hook, ring, axe, door-nail, door-axle and its base,and cap-like cover), stone tools (the perforated stone, grindstone, spindle whorl and adze) and bone and antler artifacts. The present excavation indicates that this mountain castle was twice damaged by fire.The city-gate structural members found on the gate-sites, such as iron-cast door-leaves, door-axles and their bases, rivets and loops, are all discovered for the first time at Koguryo mountain castle and provide very valuable material for studying the shape and structure of mountain-castle gates in that period.