Nankai Business Review
服务失误归因 服务补救 满意度 再购买意愿 正面口碑传播意愿 服务失误 顾客满意度 归因 负面影响 购后行为
服務失誤歸因 服務補救 滿意度 再購買意願 正麵口碑傳播意願 服務失誤 顧客滿意度 歸因 負麵影響 購後行為
복무실오귀인 복무보구 만의도 재구매의원 정면구비전파의원 복무실오 고객만의도 귀인 부면영향 구후행위
Service Failure Attributions; Servic Recovery; Customer Satisfaction; Repurchase Intention; Positive Word-of-mouth
Service failure is what enterprises try their best to avoid. Experience and research hitherto all suggest that when encountered service failure, customer satisfaction, repurchase intention and positive word-of-mouth intention would fail respectively. However, different failure attributions would have different impact on the above three aspects. This paper has re-categorized the possible causes for service failure, in addition to "internal" and "external" cause dimensions, we have included "the third party" dimension. Taking scenariobased experiment, it attempts to compare the influences of three attributions (the employee, the customer himself and the third party) on customer satisfaction, repurchase intention and positive word-of-mouth intention. Just find out that compared with the other two causes, when the attribution goes to the "external" cause, the service failure would have the most serious negative impact on customers. When the attribution goes to the "internal" cause, it turns out to be much better. And the third party's impact is between the above two causes. However, no matter what the attribution is, the same service recovery will have the same effect.