Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology
蔡元培 北京大学 办学宗旨 管理体制 教学体制 招生制度
蔡元培 北京大學 辦學宗旨 管理體製 教學體製 招生製度
채원배 북경대학 판학종지 관리체제 교학체제 초생제도
Cai yuan-pei ; Peking University; the aim for running a school; management system; teaching system; enrolment system
Cai Yuan-pei,the famous educator, was the first to reform Peiking university and made great achievements. He made it clear that the aim of Peking university was not to make ladders for high official ranks or great fortune, but make deep research, conforming to the principles of thoughts freedom and tolerance. He employed staff members without prejudices, got rid of the bureaucracy of the old jingshi daxuetang, and established democratic management system; He also reformed the teaching system and applied subject selection system, so that art could integrate with science. Cai stressed emphasis on scientific research, suggested on organizing groups to make scientific activities. He reformed the admission system and was the first one to admit female students to universityies. Learning from Cai yuan-pei' s experiences is not only of great historic significance but of great pragmatic point for us to manage the comprehensive and researching universities.