Journal of Quanzhou Normal College
罗仙仙 周新年 官印生 许松芽
囉仙仙 週新年 官印生 許鬆芽
라선선 주신년 관인생 허송아
滑索 悬链线理论 可视化编程 设计系统
滑索 懸鏈線理論 可視化編程 設計繫統
활색 현련선이론 가시화편정 설계계통
strop ropeway ; catenary theory; visual programming; design system
在已建立滑索悬索设计数学模型的基础上,利用Visual Basic 6.0配套研制滑索的悬索设计系统.系统界面友好,易于操作,避免烦琐的人工计算过程,可以实现给定参数输入,进行滑速迭代计算、安全性与耐久性检验等,为滑索的悬索设计提供科学依据.
在已建立滑索懸索設計數學模型的基礎上,利用Visual Basic 6.0配套研製滑索的懸索設計繫統.繫統界麵友好,易于操作,避免煩瑣的人工計算過程,可以實現給定參數輸入,進行滑速迭代計算、安全性與耐久性檢驗等,為滑索的懸索設計提供科學依據.
재이건립활색현색설계수학모형적기출상,이용Visual Basic 6.0배투연제활색적현색설계계통.계통계면우호,역우조작,피면번쇄적인공계산과정,가이실현급정삼수수입,진행활속질대계산、안전성여내구성검험등,위활색적현색설계제공과학의거.
Based on the established mathematics models of suspension rope design of strop ropeway,the design system of suspension rope is built up by using Visual Basic 6.0,which has friendly interface with ease to operate and avoids the trivial process of manual calculation. After inputting the given parameters,the sliding speed is calculated by iteration. Moreover,safety and durability can be checked. It provides scientific theory proof for the suspension rope design of strop ropeway.