Journal of Shandong Institute Of Physical Education And Sports
新规则 散打运动员 组合技术 针对性训练
新規則 散打運動員 組閤技術 針對性訓練
신규칙 산타운동원 조합기술 침대성훈련
new roles; Sanda athletes;combination technique;pertinency training
By contrasting and analyzing the application of combination technique with top 16 athletes of different levels in the 2003 and 2004 National Men' s Sanda Championship, the author explored the effect on the athletes to utilize combination techniques after the implementation of the new ndes. The results were as followes:the ndes modification had little influence on the using rate of different click combination actions, but causing more using times in each inning. This indicated that the new ndes had increased the impetuosity of the competition, enhanced the impetuosity level effectively and made Sanda more antagonized and more observable. For big- level athletes, frequency of the two- click combination actions used increased 4.8% while frequency of the three- click and four-stick combination technique used decreased; that meant the two- click combination actions were magic weapons for big - level athletes while tended to be the single weapon. For mid and small - level athletes, frequency of the two - click combination actions used decreased while frequency of the other click combination technique used increased; this indicated that the new ndes were favorable to make small athletes use combination technique more widely. New demands were raised to athletes because of the implementation of the new ndes, such as enhancing the pertinency training for specific predisposition, tactics of attack and defenses'and ability to meet the emergency.