Journal of Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
黄蓓青 梁炯 王德本 金杨
黃蓓青 樑炯 王德本 金楊
황배청 량형 왕덕본 금양
网点形状 网点增大 柔版印刷 阶调再现性
網點形狀 網點增大 柔版印刷 階調再現性
망점형상 망점증대 유판인쇄 계조재현성
dot shape; dot gain; flexographic printing; reproductive quality
为提高柔版印刷的网点再现性,研究了不同形状的网点对柔版印刷网点增大的影响。在相同的印刷条件下,通过柔版印刷机进行印刷实验,测量了方形、圆形、欧几里德形、菱形、椭圆形以及5种Esko专有形状的网点在4种网线数下的网点增大曲线。实验结果表明:网点形状对网点的增大程度是有影响的,在这些形状的网点中,欧几里德形和Esko-CircularS amba36形状的网点增大值相对较小,适合柔版印刷。另外,柔版印刷网点增大较大,在亮调到中间调范围(网点百分比为30%~40%)处的网点增大最严重,且柔版印刷的阶调再现范围较窄。
為提高柔版印刷的網點再現性,研究瞭不同形狀的網點對柔版印刷網點增大的影響。在相同的印刷條件下,通過柔版印刷機進行印刷實驗,測量瞭方形、圓形、歐幾裏德形、蔆形、橢圓形以及5種Esko專有形狀的網點在4種網線數下的網點增大麯線。實驗結果錶明:網點形狀對網點的增大程度是有影響的,在這些形狀的網點中,歐幾裏德形和Esko-CircularS amba36形狀的網點增大值相對較小,適閤柔版印刷。另外,柔版印刷網點增大較大,在亮調到中間調範圍(網點百分比為30%~40%)處的網點增大最嚴重,且柔版印刷的階調再現範圍較窄。
위제고유판인쇄적망점재현성,연구료불동형상적망점대유판인쇄망점증대적영향。재상동적인쇄조건하,통과유판인쇄궤진행인쇄실험,측량료방형、원형、구궤리덕형、릉형、타원형이급5충Esko전유형상적망점재4충망선수하적망점증대곡선。실험결과표명:망점형상대망점적증대정도시유영향적,재저사형상적망점중,구궤리덕형화Esko-CircularS amba36형상적망점증대치상대교소,괄합유판인쇄。령외,유판인쇄망점증대교대,재량조도중간조범위(망점백분비위30%~40%)처적망점증대최엄중,차유판인쇄적계조재현범위교착。
he paper present a study about how different dot shapes affect dot gain in flexographic printing, which aims at enhancing the capability that halftone dot are reproduced in the printing process. Five popular dot shapes in square, round, euclid, rhombic, elliptic style and five special ones from Esko are used in ripping process for a grayscale with 1% to 100% dot area's change. 10 kinds of dot gain curves under four different screening lines are built after printing process and measurement. All the experiments are conducted on one same flexographic press with almost same process control parameters. The result announces that dot shape is truly correlative to the dot's change trend. In all the dot shapes above, euclid and one of Esko's dot shapes called Circular Samba36 are more suitable for flexography with relative smaller dot gain value. Moreover, flexographic printing has much larger dot gain trend than lithographic offset printing, and the largest change happens between 30% to 40 %, which makes flexography can only reproduce a limited tone region.