Journal of Shanghai NOrmal University
日编汉语 《官话指南》 编者校者 取材 编排 成就 不足
日編漢語 《官話指南》 編者校者 取材 編排 成就 不足
일편한어 《관화지남》 편자교자 취재 편배 성취 불족
a Chinese reader edited in Japan, An Enchiridion of Mandarin, compiler and proofreader, material selection, compilation, achievements, shortcomings
An Enchiridion of Mandarin was compiled by the students as Interpreters of the Japanese legation in China in Qing Dynasty, who sorted out their daily schoolbooks, with the help of their Chinese teachers. It is brief and easy in terms of the teaching of phonetics. It contains dialogues that are practical and interesting. It includes texts of different themes such as daily talk and official business negotiations. The scenes in it are lifelike and the language materials are plentiful. The sentential form is vivid and the tone resembles real life. Its shortcoming is, as a foreign language reading material, it lacks a comparison with mother tongue or common language. On account of its stress on the interesting character of the reader, there are too many new and difficult words, as well as many complex sentences, resulting in lengthy texts. In short, the reader provides valuable experience of positive and negative factors to be used for reference.