Rural Economy
新型农村合作医疗 筹资困境 制度性缺陷 制度重构
新型農村閤作醫療 籌資睏境 製度性缺陷 製度重構
신형농촌합작의료 주자곤경 제도성결함 제도중구
the new type cooperative medical schemes (NCMSs) ; fund raising bottleneck; systematic flaws; system reconstruction
The fund-raising bottleneck of the new-type cooperative medical schemes (NCMSs) in rural China is the key to restrict its development. Currently, the dilemma of fund raising in the NCMSs mainly results in the system design itself. Its system flaws mainly include: the attenuation of social security archery target of the system itself; the difficulty of limiting finance responsibility, finance standard and finance proportion to the main body in tripartite finances; the lack of legal basis in fund surveillance and management and so on. We have to carry on reconstructing the system to make it sustainable development, which is not suitable to patching up simply. Therefore, we should re-limit fund-raising responsibility of the main body in tripartite finances, strengthen its social security essence, and strengthen government finance responsibility, strengthen surveillance and the management. Especially, we must take urgent action to formulate the powerful law to take the strut.