Linguistic Sciences
VP主语句 空主语
VP主語句 空主語
VP주어구 공주어
VP non-predicate;structure ;null subject ;null object
文章旨在Chomsky的UG理论指导下,从最简方(Chomsky 1995)以及新近的最简探索(MI)和层阶式派生(DP)的视角,从动词的论元结构以及动词与空主语的隐性语义关系为切入点,通过对真实文本中足量例句的分析,探讨VP和空主语在VP主语句中的分布状况、语义所指等相关问题。
文章旨在Chomsky的UG理論指導下,從最簡方(Chomsky 1995)以及新近的最簡探索(MI)和層階式派生(DP)的視角,從動詞的論元結構以及動詞與空主語的隱性語義關繫為切入點,通過對真實文本中足量例句的分析,探討VP和空主語在VP主語句中的分佈狀況、語義所指等相關問題。
문장지재Chomsky적UG이론지도하,종최간방(Chomsky 1995)이급신근적최간탐색(MI)화층계식파생(DP)적시각,종동사적론원결구이급동사여공주어적은성어의관계위절입점,통과대진실문본중족량례구적분석,탐토VP화공주어재VP주어구중적분포상황、어의소지등상관문제。
This paper mainly discuss the problems in the study of Chinese Null Subject and claims that there is only one kind of Null Subject PRO in Chinese and no pro as Chomsky defined. Our study shows that the VP in VP non-predicate structure is actually a DP with PRO, which has a feature of referential, indicating the abstract action. The PRO in VP subject structure is arbitrary reference, uncontrolled, which has thematic roles and inherent ease and null nominal ease checked by null determiner. But in the VP subject structure which is transformed from VP object structure by topicalization, PRO corder to the subject of the matrix subject.