Journal of Shandong University of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
文字改革 汉字 文化传统
文字改革 漢字 文化傳統
문자개혁 한자 문화전통
reform of writing system; Chinese characters; cultural tradition
Since modem times, China and Japan have undergone the course of reform of writing systems at the same time, but their ways are different because of their different culture. The reform of writing system that China has undergone promoted the use of Pinyin and the simplified Chinese Japanese characters also played an important role in the introduction of sim characters. The trend of reform of plified Chinese characters and the qualification of the use of Chinese characters. The result of the reform of Chinese characters also proved that Chinese characters have deeply rooted in the culture of the two countries and can' t be neglected. It is of certain reference significance to properly understand the development of Chinese characters and to evaluate the value of Chinese characters by examining the movement course and the way of writing system reform of two countries. We can also take the reform of Japanese characters as a reference.