The Northern Forum
贰于× 有二心 语境 一词多义
貳于× 有二心 語境 一詞多義
이우× 유이심 어경 일사다의
has two half- heartedness to somebody, linguistic condition, polysemous word.
In this article, after reviewing the main point of views about the sentence pattern of has two half- heartedness to somebody (贰于×) in Zuo Zhuan (左传) in the late twenty years, the writer considers that the sentence pattem contains two semantic meanings. One is having two minds to somebody and deserting him at last ( pattern A ), the another one is having two minds to somebody and submitting to him finally (pattern B). Not only my viewpoint can explain correctly this sentence pattern of has two half- heartedness to somebody in the ancient books, but also can meets scholars' viewpoints in the past dynasties and modem times. By comparison, Mr. Yang Tuning' s point of view about this problem remains to be deliberated.