Nankai Business Review
康吧交往 交易成本 信任 互惠原则
康吧交往 交易成本 信任 互惠原則
강파교왕 교역성본 신임 호혜원칙
"Kangba" Exchange; Transaction Cost, Trust, Reci- procity Principle
"Kangba" exchange is a unique transaction model with a long history among Naxi, Tibetan and Lisu ethnic groups. Though contradicting rational choice theory in economics, it has been passed down from one generation to another to the present day. Also, there are some differences in the exchange model between different ethnic groups. From the perspective of Western mainstream theory, we analyze this ancient exchange model from multiple theoretical perspectives such as economics, sociology and anthropology, using multiple research methods such as face-to- face interview, observation and quantitative analysis. Our research results show that: (1) mutual trust and reciprocity are critical to the maintenance of "Kangba" exchange; (2) the emergence of currency markets and speculative behavior have led to the decline of"Kangba" exchange, while effective reciprocity and complementary resources have sustained it till now; and (3) natural resources, the extent of resource complementarities, as well as socio-historical background and cultural elements have all contributed to greatly influence the differences between their exchange models.t great impact on the exchange difference among different peoples.