Comparative Education Review
合作网 高等教育 期刊
閤作網 高等教育 期刊
합작망 고등교육 기간
collaboration network; higher education ;journals
教育期刊论文的情况往往是教育研究情况的一种反映。中外主要高等教育期刊刊名分别为《中国高等教育》(China Higher Education)、《高等教育研究》(中国)(Journal of Higher Education)、Higher Education、Research of Higher Education。本文基于这四种高等教育期刊的相关参数分别建立相应的高等教育合作网,从论文作者数目及不同论文作者间的合作关系的角度,揭示中国与国际高等教育研究的特点和差异,并为它们的进一步发展提供启发性和指导性建议。
教育期刊論文的情況往往是教育研究情況的一種反映。中外主要高等教育期刊刊名分彆為《中國高等教育》(China Higher Education)、《高等教育研究》(中國)(Journal of Higher Education)、Higher Education、Research of Higher Education。本文基于這四種高等教育期刊的相關參數分彆建立相應的高等教育閤作網,從論文作者數目及不同論文作者間的閤作關繫的角度,揭示中國與國際高等教育研究的特點和差異,併為它們的進一步髮展提供啟髮性和指導性建議。
교육기간논문적정황왕왕시교육연구정황적일충반영。중외주요고등교육기간간명분별위《중국고등교육》(China Higher Education)、《고등교육연구》(중국)(Journal of Higher Education)、Higher Education、Research of Higher Education。본문기우저사충고등교육기간적상관삼수분별건립상응적고등교육합작망,종논문작자수목급불동논문작자간적합작관계적각도,게시중국여국제고등교육연구적특점화차이,병위타문적진일보발전제공계발성화지도성건의。
The articles published in some leading education journals can in a certain way reflect the real trend of research and professional development in education. Using self-built computer databases of scientific papers published in four leading Higher Education journals in China and overseas for a period of 13 years (1994-2006), we constructed some networks of scientific collaboration between higher educators in each journal. Then, we analyze the different properties of those four simple networks as derived from those journals, and propose a measure of collaboration strength based on the number of papers coauthored and the collaboration between different authors. We not only reveal the apparent difference in the level of Higher Education research between China and abroad, but also suggest some guidance and direction for their future development.