Commercial Research
柯永建 赵新博 王盈盈 王守清
柯永建 趙新博 王盈盈 王守清
가영건 조신박 왕영영 왕수청
民营企业 基础设施 SWOT 特许经营
民營企業 基礎設施 SWOT 特許經營
민영기업 기출설시 SWOT 특허경영
private enterprise; infrastructure; SWOT ; hcensing
There existed certain limitations in the subjectivity of the investors in both rounds of infrastructure investment in China over the last two decades. Foreign investors acting as the major player in the first round usually charged high and preferred operating projects in more developed regions in China while state -owned enterprises as the main player in the second round had relative low operation and management efficiency, which largely restrained the liseencing advantages. Therefore, there is an urgent need to examine the situation and future of private enterprises, another potential player in the economic market, in infrastructure development. Based on a comprehensive literature review, this paper identifies the private enterprises' strength and weakness as well as opportunities and threats they are faced with in infrastructure development. The findings could be a valuable reference for private enterprises engaged in developing infrastructure projects in China.