Journal of Capital College of Physical Education
王文瑾 郑陆 王蕴红 梁鸿
王文瑾 鄭陸 王蘊紅 樑鴻
왕문근 정륙 왕온홍 량홍
运动三联征 饮食紊乱 闭经 骨质疏松
運動三聯徵 飲食紊亂 閉經 骨質疏鬆
운동삼련정 음식문란 폐경 골질소송
female athlete ' s triad ; disordered eating ; amenorrhea; osteoporosis
The female athlete's triad syndrome(including components of disordered eating,amenorrhea,and osteoporosis)is a special medical syndrome when female athletes participating in extensive sports and exercise. As it is difficult to discover, it may possibly bring a series of latent and further harm on the health of female athletes. So in recent years ithas become a new hot issue for research in related fields. The authors of this paper has elaborated on the impact of triad syndrome on female athlete's health, analyzed its etiology and pathogenesis and proposed corresponding measures and methods to the prevention and treatment of triad syndrome.