Journal of Shandong Institute Of Physical Education And Sports
杜更 江堃 俸晓东 王允民 严立 靳钢
杜更 江堃 俸曉東 王允民 嚴立 靳鋼
두경 강곤 봉효동 왕윤민 엄립 근강
游泳强国 竞技体育 经验 对策
遊泳彊國 競技體育 經驗 對策
유영강국 경기체육 경험 대책
swimming great powers; athletic sport; experience;
It made an analysis of the successful experiences of the sports swimming from international swimming. The researches indicate that rational exploitation, using and collocation of the sports manpower, the sports resource, the sports material resouces, the sports science and technology and the sports system are the successful experiences of the sports swimming in international swimming with that the countries could keep the swimming development going. In allusion to the behindhand status of Chinese swimming, comparison between the Chinese swimming and the swimming of the great powers from diverse angle of view in order to fred out the gaps between the Chinese swimming and the overseas countries, on the basis of ceaselessly using the successful experiences of the sports swimming from international swimming for reference, discussing the reformatory measures and developing countermeasures,finally accelerate the Chinese swimming that could develop continually.