Comparative Education Review
美国 教育博士 教育哲学博士 趋同 论争
美國 教育博士 教育哲學博士 趨同 論爭
미국 교육박사 교육철학박사 추동 논쟁
America; the doctor of education degree; the doctor of philosophy in education degree ; problems ; debate
美国的教育博士(The Doctor of Education degree,Ed.D.)专业学位教育面临的中心问题是其与教育学博士(Doctor Of Philosophy in Education,Ph.D.)教育在培养目标、入学标准、培养模式与师资队伍、课程设置与学习方式、学位论文与评价标准等方面存在着趋同性。围绕该问题的解决,美国近年来展开了一系列的论争,从而激发了美国和其他国家对教育博士(Ed.D.)教育改革与发展的深入思考。
美國的教育博士(The Doctor of Education degree,Ed.D.)專業學位教育麵臨的中心問題是其與教育學博士(Doctor Of Philosophy in Education,Ph.D.)教育在培養目標、入學標準、培養模式與師資隊伍、課程設置與學習方式、學位論文與評價標準等方麵存在著趨同性。圍繞該問題的解決,美國近年來展開瞭一繫列的論爭,從而激髮瞭美國和其他國傢對教育博士(Ed.D.)教育改革與髮展的深入思攷。
미국적교육박사(The Doctor of Education degree,Ed.D.)전업학위교육면림적중심문제시기여교육학박사(Doctor Of Philosophy in Education,Ph.D.)교육재배양목표、입학표준、배양모식여사자대오、과정설치여학습방식、학위논문여평개표준등방면존재착추동성。위요해문제적해결,미국근년래전개료일계렬적논쟁,종이격발료미국화기타국가대교육박사(Ed.D.)교육개혁여발전적심입사고。
American Ed.D. education faces a key problem that it has many similarities with Ph.D. in education in terms of the goal of training, the entrance requirements, training mode and teaching staff, courses and the teaching methods, dissertation and the standard of assessment. In order to tackle this problem, some bitter debates have been going on in recent years in US, and thus stimulating the United States and other countries to reflect on the issue of the reform and development of the Ed.D. program.