Journal of Shandong Institute Of Physical Education And Sports
体育观 武术 发展战略
體育觀 武術 髮展戰略
체육관 무술 발전전략
sports views; Wushu; development strategy
Four sports views were investigated in China in this study and the results showed that the identification degree of the concept of PE as means is higher than the one of PE as purpose and the difference was significant;The identification degree of bio- sports view is higher than humanistic sports view and the difference was significant. According to the survey, the sustainable development strategy, on Chinese Wushu for the future was put forward. The development location of Wushu should take the public as the main body, and also give consideration to national needs; Insisting on the premise of fitness function, the transformation should be from fitness to entertainment. According to different groups of people we make different development strategy of Wushu. The transformation of development mode of Wnshu should be from extensive to intensive. The breakthrough of sustainable development of Wushu in the future should be insisting on the national characteristics.