Psychological Science
双眼竞争 混合模型 视觉意识
雙眼競爭 混閤模型 視覺意識
쌍안경쟁 혼합모형 시각의식
binocular rivalry; hybrid model; visual awareness
双眼竞争是指当双眼所呈现的图像不一致而无法形成单一、稳定的知觉进而造成知觉动态交替变化的现象,双眼竞争的特殊性(刺激不变,而知觉却发生交替变化)使其成为神经科学、心理学、生理学和临床医学中的研究热点。Frank Tong等人综合各方面的实验结果将双眼竞争的早期加工和晚期加工有机地结合起来,提出了双眼竞争的多层次-混合加工理论模型,这一模型对于研究视觉意识的神经机制、知觉组织及选择性注意具有重要的理论指导意义。作者文末就双眼竞争中仍需进一步研究和证实的主要问题进行了总结。
雙眼競爭是指噹雙眼所呈現的圖像不一緻而無法形成單一、穩定的知覺進而造成知覺動態交替變化的現象,雙眼競爭的特殊性(刺激不變,而知覺卻髮生交替變化)使其成為神經科學、心理學、生理學和臨床醫學中的研究熱點。Frank Tong等人綜閤各方麵的實驗結果將雙眼競爭的早期加工和晚期加工有機地結閤起來,提齣瞭雙眼競爭的多層次-混閤加工理論模型,這一模型對于研究視覺意識的神經機製、知覺組織及選擇性註意具有重要的理論指導意義。作者文末就雙眼競爭中仍需進一步研究和證實的主要問題進行瞭總結。
쌍안경쟁시지당쌍안소정현적도상불일치이무법형성단일、은정적지각진이조성지각동태교체변화적현상,쌍안경쟁적특수성(자격불변,이지각각발생교체변화)사기성위신경과학、심이학、생이학화림상의학중적연구열점。Frank Tong등인종합각방면적실험결과장쌍안경쟁적조기가공화만기가공유궤지결합기래,제출료쌍안경쟁적다층차-혼합가공이론모형,저일모형대우연구시각의식적신경궤제、지각조직급선택성주의구유중요적이론지도의의。작자문말취쌍안경쟁중잉수진일보연구화증실적주요문제진행료총결。
Binocular rivalry is a phenomenon of the dynamic alternations in perception that occurs when different images are presented to the two eyes. Because of its specificity (the optical input to vision remains unchanged, but the resulting perceptual interpretation alternates over time), it might ultimately shed light on the dynamical properties of visual awareness and its underlying neural bases. Frank Tong et al. integrated the early processing model and the later processing model, and put forward a new hybrid model which could account for the paradoxical properties of binocular rivalry and provide insights into the neural bases of visual awareness. This model has the advantage of guiding the research of neural mechanism of visual awareness, perceptual grouping and selective attention, etc. At the end of this paper, the authors summarize the key issues for further study and verifying.