Teaching and Research
诺埃尔·E·博尔汀 潘西华(译) 文雅(校)
諾埃爾·E·博爾汀 潘西華(譯) 文雅(校)
낙애이·E·박이정 반서화(역) 문아(교)
知识分子思想 葛兰西 马克思主义者 再审 有机知识分子 法西斯主义 马克思文本 文化思想
知識分子思想 葛蘭西 馬剋思主義者 再審 有機知識分子 法西斯主義 馬剋思文本 文化思想
지식분자사상 갈란서 마극사주의자 재심 유궤지식분자 법서사주의 마극사문본 문화사상
Gramsci ;Intellectuals;Critical Organic Intellectuals
Dualisms are an anathema to those forwarding a tripartite philosophy. To regard Gramsci simply as confronting the idea of "organic" with "traditional intellectuals" is to do a disservice to his thought. Rather, he distinguishes between traditional, organic and critical organic intellectuals. That latter conception can be further elucidated in relation to five specific difficulties his analysis raised at the time of his articulation of the distinction between these three kinds of in- tellectual. These difficulties were: i) the nature of the consciousness to be raised by the critical organic intellectual's activity; ii) the prospect of conformism; ill)the role of such an intellectual to potential addressees; iv) the concept of the intellectual worker; v) the substitution of humanistic, more global cognitive perspectives by specialized disciplines. These five difficulties, originating in Gramsci's exploration of the role of the critical organic intellectual, are still very much with us to- day. Two problems arise as a result of presenting Gramsci's position in this way.. a) What is the basis of the lack of comprehension in the addressee of the critical organic intellectual's activity? b) How can the standpoint such an intellectual is likely to take, in Marxist terms, arise today?