Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science Edition)
采矿权抵押 物权法 法律问题
採礦權牴押 物權法 法律問題
채광권저압 물권법 법률문제
Mining Right Mortgage; Property Law; Legal Problems
As an important part of land resources transactions, the mining opportunity for enterprises. The mining fight mortgage belongs to the non- right mortgage has provided a financing shifting guarantee of movable property. The Property Law of China has stipulated explicitly that the mortgage can be set up on properties which are not prohibited by the law and the administrative rules. The Property Law of China has expanded the movable property guarantee scope. The object of mining right is movable property and its legal attribute is real right. The mining right mortgage contracts do not belong to these contracts which can not be effective without registration. The nota- rization is not a cause that applies a compelling force to mining fight mortgage. It is the Property Law that en- trusts mortgagee's legal right to appeal to the court for carrying out the mining right. The decisions of a Chinese -foreign joint venture's mining fight mortgage guarantee do not need a shareholder meeting. In fact, the board of directors has the fight to make effective resolutions.