China Sport Science and Technology
郑闽生 金炜 王建国 施闻
鄭閩生 金煒 王建國 施聞
정민생 금위 왕건국 시문
刘子歌 蝶泳 奥运会 29届 科研攻关
劉子歌 蝶泳 奧運會 29屆 科研攻關
류자가 접영 오운회 29계 과연공관
LIU Zi- ge ; butterfly ;Olympic Games ; 29th Olympic Games ;scientific research
对刘子歌备战第29届奥运会的蝶泳技术全面解析认为,刘子歌蝶泳属于呼吸配合时机好,上下起伏小,游进中减阻技术好的小波浪蝶泳技术,符合现代蝶泳技术发展趋势;身体、体能条件也是非常出色的,具备冲击世界最高水平的条件。在备战北京奥运会攻关期间,针对刘子歌技术将攻关研究分为两个阶段,通过对其出发转身的技术改进,于2008年绍兴冠军赛以2 min7 s76超越此前本人最好成绩2 s39并夺冠,获得奥运会200 m蝶泳的参赛资格;第2个阶段通过对其途中游抱水和推水技术的改进,最终在第29届奥运会上以2min4 s18的成绩夺取金牌并打破世界纪录,证明对其技术训练的研究和攻关,所提出的技术训练对策、方法有效。
對劉子歌備戰第29屆奧運會的蝶泳技術全麵解析認為,劉子歌蝶泳屬于呼吸配閤時機好,上下起伏小,遊進中減阻技術好的小波浪蝶泳技術,符閤現代蝶泳技術髮展趨勢;身體、體能條件也是非常齣色的,具備遲擊世界最高水平的條件。在備戰北京奧運會攻關期間,針對劉子歌技術將攻關研究分為兩箇階段,通過對其齣髮轉身的技術改進,于2008年紹興冠軍賽以2 min7 s76超越此前本人最好成績2 s39併奪冠,穫得奧運會200 m蝶泳的參賽資格;第2箇階段通過對其途中遊抱水和推水技術的改進,最終在第29屆奧運會上以2min4 s18的成績奪取金牌併打破世界紀錄,證明對其技術訓練的研究和攻關,所提齣的技術訓練對策、方法有效。
대류자가비전제29계오운회적접영기술전면해석인위,류자가접영속우호흡배합시궤호,상하기복소,유진중감조기술호적소파랑접영기술,부합현대접영기술발전추세;신체、체능조건야시비상출색적,구비충격세계최고수평적조건。재비전북경오운회공관기간,침대류자가기술장공관연구분위량개계단,통과대기출발전신적기술개진,우2008년소흥관군새이2 min7 s76초월차전본인최호성적2 s39병탈관,획득오운회200 m접영적삼새자격;제2개계단통과대기도중유포수화추수기술적개진,최종재제29계오운회상이2min4 s18적성적탈취금패병타파세계기록,증명대기기술훈련적연구화공관,소제출적기술훈련대책、방법유효。
After comprehensive analysis on butterfly stroke techniques of LIU Zi-ge prepared for the 29th Olympic Games, it was found that the butterfly stroke technique of LIU Zi-ge is small wave butterfly, which breathe better with time, up and down small and is good at drag reduction in swimming process. The techniques are in line with the development trends of modern butterfly technique. Her physical fitness and condition is good enough to top the world 's highest level. During the research period of preparing the Beijing Olympic Games, the research process has been divided into two stages, which is based on the technique of LIU Zi-ge. After the technical improvements of her starts and turns, she won the championship on the 2008 Shaoxing Championship by 2minTs76, which is beyond the former best score 2s39, and obtained the Olympic 200m butterfly entry qualifications. The main job of the second stage is to improve the techniques of catch and pull in swimming process. She finally won the gold medal of 200m butterfly on the 29th Olympic Games by 2min4s18, which break the world record. The result of Olympic Games and the analysis of technique and tactics indicate that the countermeasures and methods proposed are effective to the research of technical training.