Modern Educational Technology
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오위위 범건배 채아 단암
虚拟实验室 装备认知 交互拆装
虛擬實驗室 裝備認知 交互拆裝
허의실험실 장비인지 교호탁장
Virtual Lab, Machinery and Equipment Learning, Interactive Disassembly
针对装备结构认知教学的特点,利用Power Builder、VC++工具,以及SQL server数据库技术,基于UGNX5.0设计开发了一套机械装备认知学习的虚拟实验系统。该虚拟实验室采用可交互的三维动画形式,真实地反映装备的拆装和机构运动过程,并以三维模型和知识点相结合的方式,直观生动地展示装备结构设计知识,大大提高了教学效率和效果。
針對裝備結構認知教學的特點,利用Power Builder、VC++工具,以及SQL server數據庫技術,基于UGNX5.0設計開髮瞭一套機械裝備認知學習的虛擬實驗繫統。該虛擬實驗室採用可交互的三維動畫形式,真實地反映裝備的拆裝和機構運動過程,併以三維模型和知識點相結閤的方式,直觀生動地展示裝備結構設計知識,大大提高瞭教學效率和效果。
침대장비결구인지교학적특점,이용Power Builder、VC++공구,이급SQL server수거고기술,기우UGNX5.0설계개발료일투궤계장비인지학습적허의실험계통。해허의실험실채용가교호적삼유동화형식,진실지반영장비적탁장화궤구운동과정,병이삼유모형화지식점상결합적방식,직관생동지전시장비결구설계지식,대대제고료교학효솔화효과。
A virtual interactive system is presented to carry out the disassembly experiment in teaching machinery and equipment. The system is developed based on UG NX5.0, using PowerBuilder, VC + + tools, as well as the SQL server database technology. Besides the powerful interactive disassembly tools, the 3D animation technique is used to illustrate the disassembly process. The working principle is revealed by motion simulation and the related knowledge can be searched out from database. Compared with the traditional methods, the virtual system can largely improve the teaching efficiency.