Linguistic Sciences
汉语方言 声调 分调 改调 语音变化
漢語方言 聲調 分調 改調 語音變化
한어방언 성조 분조 개조 어음변화
Chinese dialects tone tonal distribution tonal change sound change
Tonal distribution of contrasting finals in all Chinese dialects can be reduced to two types based on codas and vowels. Contrasting codas include four subcases, i. e. , stop vs. non--stop, front stop vs. back stop, nasal stop vs. non-nasal stops, and open final vs non--open final. Contras- ting vowels that result in different tones include three subcases, i. e. , long vs. short, high vs. low, and monophthong vs. diphthong. This paper offers a framework in dealing with these tonal diversifi- cation and conducts initial and necessary analyses of them. tonal change by stop codas'loss in Ru (入) tone,tonal distribution of contrasting codas ' phonetic value in Ru (入) tone, tonal distribution of con- trasting nasal codas and unnasal codas, tonal distribution of contrasting syllables with codas and with- out codas. For another, tonal distribution of contrasting vowels consists of tonal distribution of con- trasting long vowels and short vowels, tonal distribution of contrasting high vowels and low vowels and tonal change by monophthong turning into diphthong. This paper puts all sound changes men- tioned above into a new research frame, and gives some essential analyses of them.